Solingen GAW (Hubertus Lockback) Ended!

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Gold Member
Sep 9, 2009
I had a great weekend at the knife show. You can see the threads. If you feel you need something to hold in your grubby fingers and maybe help make a commitment to actually attending next year, or maybe you just hoard paper products, pay attention. I'm offering up the following:

A nice little lock back by Hubertus, a copy of Puma's current catalog, a copy of Boker's current catalog, a copy of the German Klingenmuseum collection (in German but with pics), and another copy of the English version.







Anybody can enter, I will ship to anyplace USPS can reach.

But, to qualify, you have to tell me what you liked best in any of the three threads (the knife show, the factory tour, or the museum). Winner will be drawn by random.
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Cool, Im in. :) Thanks!
I loved the museum, I really liked the basket hilt swords. Good photos! They just are cool to me, the detail in the hilts are impressive. I also really like the ginormous scissors in front of the museum. 👍plus that lockbox kind of blew my mind, what an intricate thing!
I'm in, I thought the factory tour would be a treat to experience!
I’m in. Yes, it was nice to see you experience the factory tour, and that they are still hand making some fine cutlery in the traditional ways.
The museum was impressive. But I greatly appreciated your show photos. Specifically taking the time to add makers details and contact information with the photos. That effort makes the show thread the most "valuable" to me
I liked seeing more photos of executioner's swords. Can probably blame gene wolfe for that.
I am NOT in*, but thank you for the give away. My favorite part was the museum. I love history, especially when it concerns one-half of my ancestry.

*Only because I should be reducing my collection, not adding to it.
They are all very interesting threads, thank you for posting! I particularly enjoyed that you made sure to give credit to the makers and not just post knife picks. As someone with a degree in history, I will say though that the museum thread was my favorite. I particularly liked the cavalry saber and the 3 blades sword catcher/breaker.

Can you please count me in for your quite generous give away?
It sounds like I have some catching up to do! :D Wonderful prizes my friend, but not an entry from me please :) Good luck everyone :thumbsup:
I wasn't aware of your solingen threads,I can not join the giveaway because I'm only a quarter way through the threads which I just found,but it is a cool journey so far.
I'm in thank you. Your threads are always informative and devoid of chat-room style non knife irrelevancy & conceit that can sometimes crop up elsewhere.

It was surprising how many people were attending the Knife Show, much talent & variety of knives on display there. The Factory Tour is something I would like to take part in even if my active German is rather limited, much automation but still the need for hand made skills, very tidy too. The Museuem is the richest and most demanding part, some knowledge of history is essential for the context but the aesthetics command appreciation and taste. We may sometimes forget just how beautiful cutlery and arms can be, but it is a major influence on what we like, buy and use in knives. The favourite part for me was not the impressive swords but the knife-addict was intrigued by the Klappmeßer secion, some very interesting pieces there, the like I've never seen before. Also admired the Trolleybuses, had no idea they still had running examples in Germany :cool:
I'm still liking through the knife show thread, but the Museum thread was wonderful. For me, it's a chance to see something I'll likely never get the chance to do in person. I love swords and the history of their use.

I'd like to enter the GAW please, very cool story to go with a cool knife, thank you.
I’m in if I may.

For me it’s a no brainer, I’m a history nut so the museum hands down. I have a particular interest in the 18th century and early 19th century, specifically anything French. The light Calvary sword is my favourite piece. It and pieces like it were likely used with and against Napoleons Grande Armée!

Edit: as much as I’d love this knife, in fairness to all porchsters after just winning another giveaway I’d like to change my in to a nomination for sf fanatic sf fanatic
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