08/15 No longer taking orders--> 01/17 NOW BACK TAKING ORDERS

Huntsman Knife Co.

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Sep 10, 2010
Hey guys,

I am starting law school on the 10th and between that and some family health issues I will not be taking anymore orders during the semester.

I plan on continuing to make blades during the semester on my own time and am looking forward to finishing a few personal projects I've been working. Completing so many orders has grown a little wearisome and I'm excited to have a little bit of time off and work on some interesting projects at my own pace. Ill be posting blades I finish throughout the semester here on the forum.

Thank you guys for all of your business and for being such fantastic customers.
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Hey best of luck with it Hunter. :thumbup::thumbup: I hope you'll continue to make knives in the future??
Thanks Ill need all the luck I can get!

I think I will always make knives in some capacity. I get burnt out from time to time but the desire to create is always there, especially new things.
Best to you in law school. I got my JD at night.
The first two semesters are tough - especially the first; many drop out then.
DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE FIRST YEAR, as it gets markedly easier after that.
Hope alls well Hunter!

Had the machette out today with a big smile on my face as always.

If your orders ever start up again please let us know.
Hope alls well Hunter!

Had the machette out today with a big smile on my face as always.

If your orders ever start up again please let us know.

Good to hear from you!

Glad your machete brought a smile to your face. I think there's something inherent in our DNA that makes us men grin when we hold a big sharp piece of steel. Even after 3 years of knife making I still get that feeling.

Ill have to see how my work load is next semester but I'm cautiously optimistic that Ill be able to start taking orders again. I've taken on a couple customer requests for blades that I have in stock/ have already been working on and have felt pretty comfortable with it but I'm on break right now and have more time to work. I really hate making customers wait and I want to be as productive as possible since my time is so limited. At the very minimum I will be regularly listing blades for sale next semester in the exchange and in this subforum.

Thanks and hope you're having a great holiday.
Yes, I too would certainly be interested in one of your Liberator Bolo's if/when it comes available. I have one of your large machete choppers already.
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