Bladeforums origin?

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Gold Member
Sep 10, 2007
How did BF get started?

I know Spark started it back in '98.

Did he start it with anyone else,or all by himself?

Why did he start it?Was it to promote his knifestore?If so why doesn't he ever advertise 1SKS here?I very rarely(if ever) see Spark post deals from his store here,which IMO he would have every right to do so.

How many other knife forums were there at the time of BF's creation & how long did it take for BF to become THE foremost knife discussion forum on the planet?

Is there a Wiki about the origins of BF?I can't find one if there is.There should be.This place is legendary.

This has been something I've been meaning to ask for awhile now.Thanks in advance for any info.
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It was an off-shoot of the original

I think it was a conflict between the two owners of knifeforums.
Mike Turber (designer of the Microtech Tachyon) actually started Bladeforums. Spark bought it later on. The connection between BFC and 1SKS was kept pretty low-key for quite a while. Even now it's not really overtly mentioned. Now that ads run on BFC, there are 1SKS ads as well. You just don't see them because as a paying member, you don't see any ads.
Mike Turber (designer of the Microtech Tachyon) actually started Bladeforums. Spark bought it later on. The connection between BFC and 1SKS was kept pretty low-key for quite a while. Even now it's not really overtly mentioned. Now that ads run on BFC, there are 1SKS ads as well. You just don't see them because as a paying member, you don't see any ads.

No kidding?!?:eek:Thanks so much,Planterz.There's nowhere you can find this kind of info.So back in '98 it was owned by Mike Turber?What year did Spark buy it?Why did he buy it?
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Someone else will have to fill in those details. All that was before my time here. I bet if you searched for "Mike Turber" you could probably find something. I'd poke around myself, but UFC 144 is about to start.
it all got started on usenet rec.knives, the original online knife discussion.
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Thanks guys,I've been reading through archives most of the night with the search material given me here.
Thats some cool info. I am a member of nearly all the knife forums and there is none better than this one. So simple to use, great people, it just doesnt get any better than this. Some of the others are good as well, but everyone has a favorite and this one is mine.
It's a long story.

In the beginning there was USENET, which had a knife discussion group called rec.knives that flourished for a number of years. Then the WWW revolution started, and Josh Burbank of PVK started a site called which used one of the earliest forms of bulletin board software out there - wwwthreads.

Josh used RDK to troll people. At the time I was doing freelance webdev work and one of my customers was Earl Stewart of Central Florida Knife & Tool. He asked me to step up and help him defend Kevin "MadDog" McClung against various attackers both on rec.knives and I quickly realized that it'd be easier to control the territory the battle was being fought on than letting others dictate the terms, and knifeforums was born. Knifeforums quickly expanded beyond the capabilities of wwwthreads and was transitioned to Ultimate Bulletin Board software (UBB), which was much better (at the time). Mike Turber, owner of World of Weapons (WOW) was a moderator for the General discussion area of KFC and all of us were fighting the battles against the haters all over USENET & the web. Eventually Josh outed himself as using multiple profiles to fight back (IIRC he posted under the ID of Staples5 on USENET and like a dumbass signed his actual name to a post) and that pretty much sunk - he got caught red handed doing the things he claimed not to do. After that, KnifeForums started to flourish.

Earl Stewart and I had a falling out because, quite frankly, he didn't want to pay me for my work. Rather than actually pay me, he decided to try to destroy my reputation, hoping I'd go quietly. McClung decided this was an opportune time for him to repay my efforts defending his sorry ass by stabbing me in the back repeatedly. Unfortunately, for them, I had friends who were also pretty pissed at both of these guys over other misc things, and they helped me out. Phone calls were made, and a battle plan was drawn... and, using the lessons learned from the RDK -> KFC battle, was born. vB had just come out, so we purchased a lisc, set up, and away we went. The original silent partner didn't like the way the KFC vs BFC fight was going and backed out of supporting, so Mike Turber stepped up and took over the financial ownership of BFC. I don't remember the exact details of the first battles, but the end game was that BFC won and grew, and KFC was left behind and stagnated.

I went to work for Turber and moved down to Jacksonville, Florida, doing web stuff for him and running BFC. Sometime after that, Stewart sold KFC to Nowka, yadda yadda yadda.

For whatever reason, WOW didn't do so hot for a bit, and Turber started 1SKS. Things continued not going so well and my paychecks started to bounce, so I grabbed my nuts and made Turber an offer he couldn't refuse - sell me 1SKS and BFC, or I'd quit, start my own sites, and he wouldn't be left with a business to sell. He took the paycheck. There were some other behind the scenes things, but they weren't important. Around 2002-3 I cleared out the last of my hurdles, had 1SKS / BFC owned outright, and moved shop back up here to Kentucky.

Anyhow, as soon as I had control over this site and didn't have to answer to anyone, I changed how it operated. I don't like using BFC as a sales tool for 1SKS - I believe that it should be a resource for the knife community, and if the community is happy with it, the community as a whole will support it. I think it does ok, you guys are the ultimate judge in that regard.
Anyhow, as soon as I had control over this site and didn't have to answer to anyone, I changed how it operated. I don't like using BFC as a sales tool for 1SKS - I believe that it should be a resource for the knife community, and if the community is happy with it, the community as a whole will support it. I think it does ok, you guys are the ultimate judge in that regard.

I have been saying over the years that this is one of the greatest if not the greatest gift to the knife community.

The reason I have been here this long is because of the quality of the folks here starting at the owner. Met Spark on his trip down to Jacksonville and knew I had met someone of substance.
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It's a long story.

In the beginning there was USENET, which had a knife discussion group called rec.knives that flourished for a number of years. Then the WWW revolution started, and Josh Burbank of PVK started a site called which used one of the earliest forms of bulletin board software out there - wwwthreads.

Josh used RDK to troll people. At the time I was doing freelance webdev work and one of my customers was Earl Stewart of Central Florida Knife & Tool. He asked me to step up and help him defend Kevin "MadDog" McClung against various attackers both on rec.knives and I quickly realized that it'd be easier to control the territory the battle was being fought on than letting others dictate the terms, and knifeforums was born. Knifeforums quickly expanded beyond the capabilities of wwwthreads and was transitioned to Ultimate Bulletin Board software (UBB), which was much better (at the time). Mike Turber, owner of World of Weapons (WOW) was a moderator for the General discussion area of KFC and all of us were fighting the battles against the haters all over USENET & the web. Eventually Josh outed himself as using multiple profiles to fight back (IIRC he posted under the ID of Staples5 on USENET and like a dumbass signed his actual name to a post) and that pretty much sunk - he got caught red handed doing the things he claimed not to do. After that, KnifeForums started to flourish.

Earl Stewart and I had a falling out because, quite frankly, he didn't want to pay me for my work. Rather than actually pay me, he decided to try to destroy my reputation, hoping I'd go quietly. McClung decided this was an opportune time for him to repay my efforts defending his sorry ass by stabbing me in the back repeatedly. Unfortunately, for them, I had friends who were also pretty pissed at both of these guys over other misc things, and they helped me out. Phone calls were made, and a battle plan was drawn... and, using the lessons learned from the RDK -> KFC battle, was born. vB had just come out, so we purchased a lisc, set up, and away we went. The original silent partner didn't like the way the KFC vs BFC fight was going and backed out of supporting, so Mike Turber stepped up and took over the financial ownership of BFC. I don't remember the exact details of the first battles, but the end game was that BFC won and grew, and KFC was left behind and stagnated.

I went to work for Turber and moved down to Jacksonville, Florida, doing web stuff for him and running BFC. Sometime after that, Stewart sold KFC to Nowka, yadda yadda yadda.

For whatever reason, WOW didn't do so hot for a bit, and Turber started 1SKS. Things continued not going so well and my paychecks started to bounce, so I grabbed my nuts and made Turber an offer he couldn't refuse - sell me 1SKS and BFC, or I'd quit, start my own sites, and he wouldn't be left with a business to sell. He took the paycheck. There were some other behind the scenes things, but they weren't important. Around 2002-3 I cleared out the last of my hurdles, had 1SKS / BFC owned outright, and moved shop back up here to Kentucky.

Anyhow, as soon as I had control over this site and didn't have to answer to anyone, I changed how it operated. I don't like using BFC as a sales tool for 1SKS - I believe that it should be a resource for the knife community, and if the community is happy with it, the community as a whole will support it. I think it does ok, you guys are the ultimate judge in that regard.

WOW, Thanks Spark. You easily have the Biggest and Baddest Knife Forum out there. Keep up the most amazing work....!
Everything i know about knives,(which ain't much) I learned from BF, It took a small hobby into an obsession, so thanks guys....I guess:)
Thanks for all the info, Spark, and thanks for believing in this thing enough to fight for it. I'm proud to be a member here.

That was a much more in-depth story than I thought there would be. It's very cool to know all that.

I joined one or two knife forums before this one (for some reason) and never really got the info I was after. I'm glad I stumbled upon BF, as I've learned a lot here in my small time of being a member. I'm appreciative of all of the members on here. You guys are great!
Wow!!!Thanks for taking the time to explain the whole thing Spark!:thumbup:
very interesting. I dont trust anything i read online that i dont get off of here. and this is the only place i feel safe selling/trading blades online. and spark i thank you for your dedication. bf is a invaluable resource to me and quite a few knife makers too id wager. (mostly all of them)
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