Eels and swords !

Spellcheck problem? :p

Should be EEEEELS!

Lots of skins to peel, sushi to cut. My colonial Japanese ewwwww scabbard


That's a real nice-lookin' saber. The scabbard cover is eelskin?

Those slimy hagfish aren't technically eels. Eels are so much more classy. :D
This all brings to mind an eel situation when I was just a kid .Some things that happen you remember well. On the river here they catch eels commercially. I was watching as they took a nights catch and put it into a large crate with a tractor to pull it up to the road. I just watched but didn't say anything , after all I was just a kid. The crate had no wheels , no skids , it was just a crate. The tractor pulled the crate which soon broke apart and hundreds of eels wiggled to safety back to the river !!!