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ON SALE! Alae Swords Byzantine Infantry Spathion with Fuller

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May 21, 2013

30.5 inches long
3 inches at widest
6mm Stock
1075 AISI 50RWC Australian Steel
Non linear distal taper
Engineering Brass Guard and Pommel
Pommel Precision Balanced
Grip Secured with Construction Adhesive & Two Tonne Per Square Inch Epoxy
Full Tang Peened Construction
Guard and Pommel also Cold Fitted and Epoxy in Place for Peace of Mind
Tasman Oak Grip / bound with vegetable tanned goat leather
A one off design - sword and scabbard have been lightly antiqued for a 'campaign' appearance

As the successor to the Legionaries of Ancient Rome the Byzantine Infantry of the Middle Period were counted amongst the finest infantryman in the medieval world. They utilised two types of swords - the single edged paramerion, but more frequently the double edged spathion. The spathion was derived from the gladius of antiquity and frequently featured a spherical pommel much like the gladius, though the spathion almost invariably featured a metal pommel that was not required to be as large as its wooden counterpart. The advantage of a sphere as opposed to a disc is that the mass of the pommel assists movement of the sword in all directions, not just on the plane of the sword's edge.

The Spathion of the cavalry were prescribed to be at least 36 inches long, however smaller swords are often depicted for infantryman, and this is inline with the Ancient Roman custom of massed infantry fighting - a short sword was more wieldy and lethal in tightly packed infantry formations allowing for a greater offensive capability per square foot. This might seem counterintuitive - people gravitate towards larger swords, though serious infantry fighters understood that a shorter sword was a better choice. Ancient Roman writers confirm this, and the same knowledge is evident in the writings of George Silver, a seasoned foot skirmisher. Thus this sword falls in between the length of a typical gladius (24 - 27 inches) and a typical 'longsword' (38 - 41 inches) at 30 & 1/2 inches

Included is the scabbard with custom hand made slide.

Now on sale on eBay! Bidding starts at just 399! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/111199849386?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Check out the other fine Alae Swords also for sale in Sword-Site's classifieds!

Below are some of the swords from history that inspired this design:






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