Redmeadow Knives

Hey John,
A boy too!
Ready to follow his dad & artsy big sister into the shop!
You are a rich man my friend!
Then again, you only pay in Froot Loops! Lol!
Although a Hippo could be expensive...

"Like my Frozen knife!" You just can't think that stuff up!
I'm guessing there is no knife in the movie?
Brilliant at 3 to be thinking like that...
In less than 1200 days she grew, learned to walk & talk, & make knisefs!

Thanks, and thanks for the handle help offer!
I'll get those black washers on the -36 and, then see about the other.
I'm sure it must be some model of RH, I just don't like it for some reason.
It's almost a Persian style clip point, not my thing.
But you'll be the first I ask for help!

We treated Zoe a bit too much...
The vet gave us hell.
So we bought the low cal food, and she dropped from 84 to 70 pounds.
She's like a new dog, running & jumping! She still gives me those puppy dog eyes, but we've
been pretty steady. I luv her too much!

Its really nice to "see" a nice close family, with great kids!
It's very obvious you & your wife are doing everything right!
Talk to you again soon!