Removal, please help!

Isn't it just a flat screwdriver? He has a sub forum in the makers area. Seems to be easy to get a hold of, you might want to get a hold of him
With the tool that comes with it, a large flathead screwdriver and/or an Allen wrench. The Allen wrench will work on opposite side of the slotted screws.
Lets not over complicate this for him jeesh, Turn the screw the opposite way the hands on a clock rotate to take the scales off. To put them back on turn them the direction the clock hands move. Good luck.
Lefty loosey, righty tighty...pretty simple.
Wow Thanks guys, that was nice and simple;) I was just asking because at first the hex didn't work and I didn't know just a flathead would work but I got it so thank you anyways?
That's what we're here for man, glad to help.
Wow Thanks guys, that was nice and simple;) I was just asking because at first the hex didn't work and I didn't know just a flathead would work but I got it so thank you anyways?
Wow Thanks guys, that was nice and simple;) I was just asking because at first the hex didn't work and I didn't know just a flathead would work but I got it so thank you anyways?

Glad you got it and glad you were finally able to get a Companion...great little FB!