Spyderco harpy...

May 9, 2010
Ive been on a fruitless search for an SS spyderco harpy in PE and have been wondering, has anyone ever ordered the SE and grounded away the serration? How were the results? Any pictures? Any idea of Spyderco will ever put out the SS harpy in PE again? Limited run?:eek:
Ive been on a fruitless search for an SS spyderco harpy in PE and have been wondering, has anyone ever ordered the SE and grounded away the serration? How were the results? Any pictures? Any idea of Spyderco will ever put out the SS harpy in PE again? Limited run?:eek:

It's been a long time since I looked at the website but at one time you could get those directly from G-Sakai out of Japan. I forget the URL but I'm sure one of the guys here has it or remembers it. You could get those PE Harpy models directly through them. The Spyders you get from them come in a white box with a lot of Japanese writing on them. But for a long time you could get the PE Harpy, Stainless Rescue and quite a few other good Japan made models directly from them. Someone about a year ago told me that the site is still in operation so hopefully one of the guys here might know the URL to it.

You can get the TASMAN model in PE in H-1 steel. I know that's not a Harpy because I'm a big Harpy fan myself but at least if you need a mid sized Hawkbill you could always go that route. I'm surprised that they don't offer up the Harpy in PE on a consistent basis because a lot of people inquire about them.
I can't say I've ever done it, or seen it done, and therefor don't know what the end result would look like, but I'm fairly sure the serrations could be ground away, as I recall Sal once mentioning that the only G-10 Harpy ever to leave Golden with a plain edge was created there as a gift for a special customer by grinding the serrations off a SE one.

As for seeing a PE SS Harpy released, I'd say there's more possibility of them splitting the proposed Sprint Run of the G-10 Harpy between PE and SE or of someone self-importing more of the PE VG-10 SS ones made for the Japanese market.
I wonder if there is enough demand to do a sprint run of SS Harpy's in plain edge?

I wonder if there is enough demand to do a sprint run of SS Harpy's in plain edge?

Can't say for sure but, assuming that since the serrated one is still in production you could get away with only ordering 600 in PE, I think they'd sell well. After all, the PE half of the CF Sprint Run was pretty much sold out before it hit the shelves. Also, the PE Tasmans seem to still be in the lineup, so there must be some interest in PE hawkbill blades. Perhaps not to the same level as SE, but some. Heck, make them PE and FFG, they might sell even faster than the PE CF ones sold. :D
Ive been on a fruitless search for an SS spyderco harpy in PE and have been wondering, has anyone ever ordered the SE and grounded away the serration? How were the results? Any pictures? Any idea of Spyderco will ever put out the SS harpy in PE again? Limited run?:eek:


PM me your Email address, or Email me at ralphjauch@yahoo.com, I may have the SS Harpy in plain edge that you are looking for. Will send photo to you via Email. Photo does not seem to want to load here?

those are out there arent they? or has google mislead me


I wonder if there is enough demand to do a sprint run of SS Harpy's in plain edge?


Should make a sprint and call it the merlin again. A retro variation. And make the scales out of braided rope incased in clear polymer. At least all I use my merlin for is cutting rope. I figure that's realy all it's good for is pull cuts