Why does the new software not hold my login?

I'm running the latest Firefox on Win7. Still no problems since my last post.

Ditto for me, running Win7 & Firefox's latest update on a laptop.

So long as I make sure there's 'https://' in front of each & every URL I click on, I don't have any issues getting logged out or getting connected in an alternate session as a visitor (not logged in). To ensure it, I'm only using 'https' bookmarks saved as such in my browser, or otherwise 'hovering' over each link I want to use on the site's own pages, to see that the 'https' is there before clicking. If it doesn't include the 'https', I don't click on it (such as with any of the links in the 'Categories' menu, as mentioned earlier). And for such links anyway, if I do want to use them, I'll edit the URL in the navigation bar of the browser to add the 'https', then save it to a bookmark in my browser for exclusive use thereon, as with the others I use.

I've also tried Chrome on the same Win7 system, using the same approach, and haven't seen any issues with it either. This approach has been working without exception so far, for me.

The problem has come back for me today. I had solved it originally by making sure that my bookmark was 'https' but now clicking on any links within the forum reroutes me to plain 'http' and the log in doesn't hold for any non secure pages. Typing in the extra 's' fixes the page and I show as logged in again as Obsessed with Edges Obsessed with Edges kindly helped me out with his above post.
Issue has seemingly resolved for me (haven't changed anything on my end), although it does seem to log me out after a shorter period of inactivity than before but that could be a misperception.
Can't even hold log in between forums, again this morning. Anything suggested here does not work for me.
All day, won't log me in at all repeatedly. Logs me out in the middle of reading different threads, same forums. Logs me out in between going from one forum to the other. Site is nearly unusable all day.
this started yesterday for me?????? I can log back in on my laptop, but on my phone it won't accept my log in at all!
The only time I've had an issue I was using Chrome on a Win 7 machine. I logged out of BF, went three levels down in the Chrome settings and cleared all the cookies. Closed the browser, then started it up and logged in to BF.
Problem solved.

It is my understanding that when fixing a corrupt cookie problem it is important to close the browser after you clear the cookies before trying again to log in.
I have never had a problem until the last 24 hours or so. Since then I've been logged out on the hour. Tried using https:// in front of the address and found out a few things. First, for it to work you have to insert it from the Bladeforum home page. If you insert it anywhere else, every link you click on takes you back to the unsecured address. Second, don't click on the Bladeforum logo in the upper left hand of the site. That always takes you back to the unsecured address. Goofy software....
Site logs me out if I click the Blade forums icon at the top to go back to the main menu, If I then open another tap on my browser and pull up Blade forums I'm still logged in under the new tab. If I change sub forums using the toolbar under the Blade forums icon I have no issues with being logged out.
Never had this problem with the old software. Never had it log me out, trying to switch forums, or post a message. Never had it not keep me logged in period.