2024 Order Sheet


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
my 2024 Order Sheet went out to the mailing list about a week and a half ago. I'll be sending out one more reminder this afternoon, as there are still some spots available.

The Order Sheet will close January 31 at 11:59pm, so if you'd like to take a look and potentially claim a knife send me your email address via pm and I'll make sure you get the email. Once this Order Sheet is closed, there will be no new projects other than what is currently on the bench until the Order Sheet orders have been fulfilled.

Ok, so the Order Sheet is now closed.

I've sent everyone who claimed a knife an email with a few questions to get the ball rolling. We have the week to figure your customization out before locking in, so no panic.

This is gonna be fun! Thank you all for playing!
it's so awesome, I've heard back from a few of you already- thanks so much! Makes my job easy and fun when things are all timely and stuff!

one of you mentioned 'dealer's choice'. For that kind of dealio, the infos you provided in answer to the questions in the email are the be all and end all, as far as you're concerned, from here on out. You'll get your invoice, and then hear from me again when your knife's done. The next thing you know, a knife inspired by those answers will be yours. Like it or not 🤣

Dealer's Choice knives are all base price, but some 'may' come will value added enhancements. You never know, but you'll get what you get- that's my guarantee!

Will you be finishing the ones that didn’t get claimed and offering them in the exchange? Asking for a friend..
for sure
it's so awesome, I've heard back from a few of you already- thanks so much! Makes my job easy and fun when things are all timely and stuff!

one of you mentioned 'dealer's choice'. For that kind of dealio, the infos you provided in answer to the questions in the email are the be all and end all, as far as you're concerned, from here on out. You'll get your invoice, and then hear from me again when your knife's done. The next thing you know, a knife inspired by those answers will be yours. Like it or not 🤣

Dealer's Choice knives are all base price, but some 'may' come will value added enhancements. You never know, but you'll get what you get- that's my guarantee!

for sure
Damnit I missed dealers choice! Lol
one of you fine folks asked about the $100 prepayment, here's my response;

once everyone is squared away with their choices, I'll fire off invoices to everyone with instructions. That's when the $100 prepayment is made. The outstanding amount is automatically due in 90 days, but I have a feeling I'll rock these out faster so when they're done I'll let everyone know it's time to pay up.

Giddy up!
everyone has been awesome! Pretty much all the details of everybody's knife has been more or less hashed out- with that said, I'll hang tough on sending the invoices out for at least a couple of days just in case anyone decides they want something different. I've been busting ass in the shop for a couple weeks, so I think I'ma take the weekend to ride my bike and chill out a little bit, but once those invoices go out, it's game on until the batch is complete.

Because only 7 of the 16 knives have been claimed, I'll be able to work through them quite a bit faster than if all had been claimed. Big relief for me!

Hey one question, mostly for all the dudes who have claimed a knife- are you interested in seeing periodic 'in progress' posts?
everyone has been awesome! Pretty much all the details of everybody's knife has been more or less hashed out- with that said, I'll hang tough on sending the invoices out for at least a couple of days just in case anyone decides they want something different. I've been busting ass in the shop for a couple weeks, so I think I'ma take the weekend to ride my bike and chill out a little bit, but once those invoices go out, it's game on until the batch is complete.

Because only 7 of the 16 knives have been claimed, I'll be able to work through them quite a bit faster than if all had been claimed. Big relief for me!

Hey one question, mostly for all the dudes who have claimed a knife- are you interested in seeing periodic 'in progress' posts?
I would appreciate and love "in progress" posts, as long as it's not too much additional work!!!

This is awesome!!
started breaking down handle material into near net sizes. Next step is to surface finish each piece for a solid bond, and then laminating the pieces to each other