2x48 Grinder Options

Feb 16, 2022
Good Afternoon everyone, and sorry if this has been covered, but could only seem to find old threads or bits and pieces in others.
I'm looking at expanding to a larger Grinder but space is a problem so I've been looking at the Steele and the newer Ameribrade 2x48's. Options I think I want to have in it is definitely the VFD, and I kind of like the rotating platen on the Steele vs the fixed on the Ameribrade. Is there other options in North America that fit really those requirements. It looks like the 2x48 belts are readily available, and if needed I can get custom orders from Klingspor as long as I'm ordering 10 per grit.

Or really, is the 72 that much bigger that if I order the Ameribrade 2x72 get grinding package which is really about the same cost as the steel 2x48, and later source the VFD.

I'm really just starting out, and my princess auto 2x28 is quickly running into issues that it just cant do what I want it to (on knives 8-11 currently). Had to pause my latest set I'm doing to fabricate up a new tool rest to do a couple of cleavers, and really want something I can use to finish without so much hand sanding. The current setup doesn't allow me to profile inside radius very well as you can only set the belt up to the edge of the platen on one side, and the platen in only about 4" high. Right now I'm either hand filing the inside radius's or using a carbide die grinder and letting the metal slivers fly. I'm not thinking of making a career change, but can honestly seeing trying to make enough that it at least pays for the hobby. In the first couple I've made, there is a couple shops that have told me to make a few sets of things likes like steak knives, and a utility/paring set. and they will sell them on consignment.

I was thinking the current setup would last me till spring, but with my other hobby of BBQ competition winding down for the season, I might want to pull the trigger sooner.

A 2x72 is pretty compact, so size shouldn't be the reason you are thinking a 48 needed
I have the 2 x 48, 84 engineering grinder (same grinder as the Alec steel, Australian made, they make his grinder on consignment.)

It's an awesome and very capable machine. I run 1.5hp with a vfd. Has a full range of accessories from surface grinders to small wheels to radius platens.

My shop space is long and narrow so the smaller grinder made sense as it isn't as deep.

Really popular machine here in nz.
Can someone measure their 72 grinder depth for me? I know there is likely to be differences, but the two I'm kind of narrowing it down to are the ameribrade, and the alex steele one. I just can't seem to find a better price than those for the options. And sorry, I'm not confident enough in my fabrication skills to make my own. If I move a few things around I could likely mount it right where I have the current 2x28, and make a bit wider walking path. I just want to know how far out over the bench I have it will likely hang over. Bench depth is about 21".

Thanks in advance.
29 inches from back of grinder to front of my dust shoot
With 2" wheels and platen

The 29" is front to back.

Please excuse the Mess