52 thousand in the hole!


Oct 31, 2005
The news is out, someone lost big time in the court system. Eventhough there is no money to pay it shows that justice will overcome evil.One step closer to McNeil Is.
Kinda cryptic, is this good news for Bear Mount? Or Justin?
In the long run for the world at large. In the mean time Justin can't get funds that don't exist, but a great victory non-the-less.
Well I don't want to get into a debate here on these forums or I'm sure the person who lost will add another lawsuit to my pile that he's suing me for. Suffice to say I just found out about this HUGE WIN for Justin. I haven't lost anything so far and I hope that I'm as blessed as Justin is when this is all said and done.

If anyone has questions, please feel free to email me privately at owner@bmtomahawks.com and I'll answer anything you need straight up but don't give the bad guys reason to lambaste me here. :eek:
I am very happy to hear about Justins victory, and I hope its just a prelude of many to come. Even a moral victory is a victory none the less. :)

If Kharma does exist, and I know it does, you will come out on top Suzanne. :)
The one who is $52,000 in the hole is about to embark on a slide down to a whole new dimention. Week by week, the bad news will come.Will it ever stop? How will he escape the avalanch of doom? Will he move to yet another state or just another island, or will he take the final plunge and end it all him self like a modern-day Hitler? Stay tuned for the next round.
... so hear ye, who listeneth to nonsense that be blabbeth unto thee. What be thou art, my Jst ?
OK all, I don't want to see his name or his company name in this thread. That way it could be about anyone. We uphold everyones right to their opinions, stating facts and their rights, under the constitution, to free speech (Unlike someone, who believes you can't tell the truth or post opinions). We are happy for Justins BIG win, because it helps our case against 'HIM'. We just don't want to see his name here amongst the fine men and women of Blade Forums. As long as you post facts or state that what you are saying is in your opinion and not that of Blade Forums, Bear Mountain, Paul Gray or anyone else, then feel free to post away.
Interesting to read this page and see what the newest is. What is that old saying, "what goes around comes around?" Time tells on all things. :)