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  • The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

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A Squirrel Knife and a Dropped Hunter

TK Steingass

Knifemaker - Buckeye
Feedback: +105 / =0 / -0
Oct 16, 2010
Hi fellas - thanks for looking at my knives. This squirrel knife has some exquisite presentation grade Desert Ironwood burl scales. The flats were hand sanded to 600 grit and the bevels were belt finished to 600 grit and finished with an ultrafine scotchbrite belt. The sheath holds the knife securely but draws easily. The Loveless Drop Point Hunter has superb tiger walnut figure in the handle and a strong taper in the handle for a light-in-the hand, full-size, classic hunter. Please specify in your thread which knife you want. The first "I'll take it" gets it. Paypal preferred to my account tksteingass@frontier.com and I accept postal money orders. Maker's lifetime common sense warranty and free sharpening offered on these knives.

Squirrel Knife - $200 delivered **SOLD**

1/8" CPM 154 stock
HT to Rc 60-62
8 1/4" OAL
3 1/2" hollow ground blade
600 grit hand rubbed satin finish on flats
Belt 600 grit on hollow ground bevels then scotchbrite
Presentation Grade Desert Ironwood Burl scales
Red liners on tapered tang
416 SS furniture
8-10 oz black leather sheath


Loveless Dropped Hunter - $265 delivered

3/16" CPM-154CM stock
HT to Rc 60-61
8 1/4" OAL
4" Hollow ground blade
Tiger walnut scales
600 grit hand rubbed satin finish
Pinned and soldered guard
416 SS furniture
Red liners on tapered tang
8/9 oz Loveless style brown leather sheath

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