• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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A Very European Christmas

Apr 23, 2000
My lovely wife bought me the Lone Wolf Loveless City Knife. The Boker Congress was a present to myself; is that legal? :) Anybody else have a great knife Christmas?


Yes, I think you could say that. I gave my wife a blue bone-handled cheetah, after she told me, "don't give me any more knives." I thought she would come to like it, and she has. I don't expect to see her edc that one, as she has other pieces she's more fond of.

I treated myself to a Case Yukon. I've never had one of their premium pieces before, and all I can say it "wow."

No pictures, yet. But I'll get them up soon.
It was a great christmas.. Got two knives. A Dozier K-7 and a Case trapper
It was a very good Christmas.

The whole family deceided to rebel against the comercialisim and give only consumable goods with a 20 dollar limit per person. I made out with new supplies of Half and Half pipe tobacco, Evan Williams whiskey, King Oscar smoked sardines, and Federal Bulk pack .22 ammo.

But most of all, we had a great country ham dinner with all the family together in one place!:thumbup:
My lovely wife bought me the Lone Wolf Loveless City Knife. The Boker Congress was a present to myself; is that legal? :) Anybody else have a great knife Christmas?


Enjoy the Lone Wolf City Knife! I've had mine for several months and love it. It takes a scary sharp edge on my 204 Sharpmaker and holds it quite well. It's the only non-Spyderco in my current EDC rotation. I carry it horizontally in a green belt pouch from TAD Gear. http://www.tadgear.com/x-treme gear/gear organizers main/tad-s2_sheath.htm

Absolutely legal to treat yourself to a Christmas knife...or two. I gave myself a Spyderco Captain and Kiwi.Opened them early too!:D :D :D

Two gifts that won't be going back for exchange!
I love the look of the Loveless City Knife. Hopefully, some day.

Jackknife that sounds like a truly great approach to gift giving!

Well, no new knives on this end for nearly a month. My wife and I are waiting to do our gift exchanging until mid-January. (So we can spend a little more ;) ) However, she prefers I do my own selecting of knives and guns. So, I'll may have to see about giving myself something. Maybe that Case canoe at BPS, or maybe a coarse and a fine diamond hone.

I'm looking forward to when the knifey gift pics start showing up here though.