Hi all, first post here. After looking around searching various keywords I haven't been able to find an answer to my question. I've just completed my forge body (1/8" treadplate scraps from work) and have my Inswool on the way. What I need to know is what to use to adhere the wool to the forge body. I've seen a video on youtube of a guy using sodium silicate (water glass) to stick the wool to the metal. Is that "good enough" as it were or is there a better way with out having to buy special cements? I have satanite and ITC-100 on the way and I can get the sodium silicate from the pharmacy in town. The surfaces have all been sand blasted and my forge body is not round so I'm not too worried about it sticking to a radius but I'd like to know that the wool is going to stay put. I'm going to seal the wool with a ~1/4" of satanite and a thin layer of ITC-100 and the final dimensions of the chamber is going to be 4x5x10, give or take, to HT small blades. Any suggestions as to what to use to stick the wool to the forge body would be appreciated.