Adventures with the BK-10

Apr 28, 2010
With all the talk about the BK-10 lately, I decided to break out my BeckerHead Special BK-10 and give it some carry time.


I had a set of micarta scales that I was not using. They needed some sanding to fit the BK-10 (remember, this blank was cut out by Camillus, not Ka-Bar), and in the process I sanded the entire surface of the scales down to 600 grit, which, to me, greatly improved the feel of the scales.


I also got a Spec Ops sheath to put it in.


Of course, the 10 does not have the chopping power of the BK-9, but it is plenty capable of making snap cuts to clear small, overhanging branches or multiflora rose vines that have grown over the trail.


This dead grape vine was severed with two chops.


With a baton, the 10 can handle the bigger stuff as well.



However, you don't always need a lot of chopping for fire prep. These sticks were all from a dead tree, and were mostly processed by just breaking them. The ones I couldn't break, got one chop from the BK-10 and were then broken at that cut.


The 10 can also make pretty good shavings.


I had a particularly nasty honey locust tree on the farm, and this is the proper way to deal with honey locust on your property.








I'm sure there will be plenty pictures of 10s modded and purtied up, but, in this thread, let's see some pictures of them being used.

Fire Fire Fire Fire... Man yall and you killer photos. I cant wait to get out and try and figure out what I am gonna do with mine... Looks like u had a good day glad you got to enjoy it...
I liked your post until the live tree burning, I know locust can get out out of hand just doesn't seam right.
It's your tree. Do what you will.
As far as the 10 goes, Great review! Thanks for posting the pics.
I always love your threads man, thanks for sharing :thumbup:

Also, im pumped for the additional bk10 threads that should be poppin up on the reg now :D
Fire Fire Fire Fire... Man yall and you killer photos. I cant wait to get out and try and figure out what I am gonna do with mine... Looks like u had a good day glad you got to enjoy it...

Sure did. You'll enjoy your 10 as well.

I liked your post until the live tree burning, I know locust can get out out of hand just doesn't seam right.


As to the tree, it is a weed. It is on private property. It is in a pasture. Due to the thorns, I cannot just cut it down with a chain saw. If felled, it is still a hazard to feet, cattle hooves, and tires. Fire provides a way to both kill the tree and dispose of the thorns. When managing land, it is often a necessary evil to kill certain plants. If every locust and cedar were allowed to grow, there would be no pasture left, and therefore less beef for human consumption.

It's your tree. Do what you will.
As far as the 10 goes, Great review! Thanks for posting the pics.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the pics.

You missed some tree there. :D

Aye, but more fires can be made. :D

I always love your threads man, thanks for sharing :thumbup:

Also, im pumped for the additional bk10 threads that should be poppin up on the reg now :D

Thanks. The 10 has been pretty rare, so little has been heard about it. That should be about to change.
More fun with the Crewman today.

After a cold and rainy spring, the weather has finally become favorable for corn planting, so today was spent in the field.

We had some fallen limbs to burn, and we made a fire.


After gathering some kindling, I decided to start the fire the fast, easy way, petroleum jelly cotton ball, so no shavings. The following picture was taken at 8:28 am.


8:29 am. Added pencil size kindling.


8:30 am. Added finger size kindling.


8:31 am. Added a bundle of bigger sticks.


8:34 am. Fire was doing well.


No sense in wasting a good fire. I had brought the dutch oven, some potatoes, bacon, and cheese. Some wild onions were dug from the field as well.


I cooked up some bacon.


Then fried the potatoes and onions a bit in the bacon grease.


Then cut up and added the bacon (a whole pound), put the coals on top, and let it bake a while.


When the potatoes were done, we threw on some salt and pepper (fresh ground) and covered everything with the cheese. Lid and coals went back on top to melt the cheese. Damn it was tasty.


Then it was back to work planting sweet corn.


And another BK-10 picture for good measure.

Some nice photos SS. Fried potatoes and onions in bacon grease is hard to beat. :thumbup:
3" SP101 in a yaqui slide?
Love my old 4" in .22... made a nice pancake for it.
The 10 looks great. Still want one...
Thanks for sharing!

Honey locusts are freakin' terrible trees. Looking past their tendency to take over pasture ground, they do terrible things to tractor and atv tires.

That little meal looks damn tasty. It may be time form me to invest in a dutch oven.
I have got to say these are some really nice pics and times! This reminds me of growing up... Almost every day, no matter what, it was time to clear a field or creek and a fire never went to waste. These were the times where I learned a lot from my Dad. Kudos man, this is a really good thread.
great thread. thanks for sharing... 10 is on my list along with getting my gold back.
great thread.Love the user pictures. as for the tree getting a little burnt , I thought fire will help trees grow. I know the old growth forest around here has trees that have burn marks on them.according to the forestry workers the forest fires help the trees grow..
awesome pics! who needs an axe if you have fire, haha. that's the first time i've seen someone try and take down a tree with fire actually...those are some nasty looking thorns!
Now where am I going to find bacon and potatoes for lunch? Thanks. :)

Here is a good use for honey locust...

If you can ever get past the thorns, the wood is often very attractive with colors ranging from butter yellow sapwood to peach and rust colored heartwood.
Great thread, love the dutch oven lunch too, reminds me of throwing hey and we would make a fire and cook up some Roastin' Ears out in the field.

thank you for sharing, sitting at my work bench wishing I was working outside...