How To Advise needed on how best to sharpen DM's special serrations ! As found on my " Prevalito " .

Who are you?

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Kidding Doc! I will make a tutorial and post it here. Until then, feel free to call me. My number is on my card.

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All one take, no edits, a dirty secret revealed, and finally goofiness exposed, please don't judge me too harshly. One clarification: By "ghetto" I just mean, "low tech, high effect".

P.S. I just did half a dozen passes per side on that plainedge S35VN Tenacious and it is no longer snagging at the tip.

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Posted this video elsewhere, but adding it here as well, just to show the sheer workhorse my serrations can be, even on a budget steel like 8Cr13MoV:

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I know I'm not David, but I've found that with larger serrations a round file (think for sharpening a saw chain) followed by my lansky crock sticks to be satisfactory in returning cutting performance. Just do each one individually.

Baryonyx also has a small oval hone in his artic fox ceramic blend that I'm sure would do a bang up job. I keep meaning to pick one up, just hasn't been in the cards of late.

Thanks ! Very informative... and also entertaining . Glad I asked , so your "dirty secret" was finally revealed ! :p

And, because I already have a Sharpmaker kit and a white triangle stone , I'm all set to practice .

If only I can find some cardboard !
well done David. video needs to be a sticky on your forum, so it doesn't get buried down the road.

also I love this knife. kinda a mix of I think it's a right handed chisel edge like Matt used to do....and kinda a spyderco blade shape and your own designs mixed into it. looks like a great knife. when ya get rid of it, put me on the short list, please......
Just merged my posts in this thread so all the info and videos appear close to the top, as a handy reference going forward for people interested in learning about serrations.
I don't know what or why I'm not grasping the sharpening on the serrations. The only time I've sharpened serrations was with a Lansky kit with the triangle hone were you kind of saw back and forth each one until you are done. Which takes forever. And you just did an entire Tenacious in a few seconds. And you did it in a way I would think would wear the teeth off. And yet clearly you know what you're doing. And I do not.
One of the key concepts is to maintain frequently so that there doesn’t need to be a lot of material removed, rather than go blunt and then reprofile. With enough use a reprofile will be required eventually anyway but it can be staved off a good long while.

And after a few of those when it’s thicker enough behind the edge that cutting is not even close to what it used to be, send it back to me for a complimentary regrind and it will be thin behind the edge again and the points will have teeth. I’ll only charge return shipping and any fees customs requires of me to receive the package.
That's awesome you would regrind it to new again.


You assume I wouldn't prefer risking ruining steel myself. Like how I'd rather buy aftermarket omega springs than ship a knife back to Benchmade. Stubborn? Yes. DIY? Much to my wallet's demise in many cases.

I did just risk a Spyderco Sage 5 on the Tormek that I'm still terrible with. Yes. Did I have to used the Work Sharp Precision Adjust to correct the whole edge length? Still yes. Do I regret using a favored knife on the Tormek that eats steel? Also yes. Will I eventually think I'm good enough and try it again? Most definitely yes. Will I mung up the edge again? Definitely maybe.