After Sale Lounge

I am the stallion, mang.
I can feel what I like to see in you and me and the stallion.
I can play, I get to take the water because I am the stallion.
Stallion, mang.
Stallion, mang.
Stallion, mang.
I am the stallion.
Wild stallion.
Wild stallion.
Stallion! Stallion! Stallion! Stallion! Stallion!
Whenever forth to come hither, when I can see the wind,
I shall too ride upon the stallion.
I shall too lick the palm of the stallion,
Whilst I drink the hair from the stallion. Man.
I am the stallion.
Stallion Mang!:thumbsup::p
Is everybody high on preorder sauce? Not as much traffic here as I expected, but speaking of traffic the preorder is on page 5! Do one you “...notnathans” know what the biggest preorder has been in the past? I’m thrilled to get mine DEKed out (I couldn’t resist,) but also really excited to see CPK getting such a response, especially after so many biweekly millisecond sellouts.
Is everybody high on preorder sauce? Not as much traffic here as I expected, but speaking of traffic the preorder is on page 5! Do one you “...notnathans” know what the biggest preorder has been in the past? I’m thrilled to get mine DEKed out (I couldn’t resist,) but also really excited to see CPK getting such a response, especially after so many biweekly millisecond sellouts.
I'm struggling with some serious FOMO right now...
Is everybody high on preorder sauce? Not as much traffic here as I expected, but speaking of traffic the preorder is on page 5! Do one you “...notnathans” know what the biggest preorder has been in the past? I’m thrilled to get mine DEKed out (I couldn’t resist,) but also really excited to see CPK getting such a response, especially after so many biweekly millisecond sellouts.

I am the original notnathan. In fact, if there was ever a comic book series with Nathan as the superhero, I'd be the anti-hero / villain, ergo the know-nothing-not-nathan. With that said, IIRC the biggest preorder was one of the HDFK ones but you may not wanna know where I pulled that info out of!

I'm pretty sure some of your pics account for my new found interest. It appears to have awesome depth to it

It's like a pretty dyed wood burl with great figure. My DEK1 has more green and blue, my UF had more red-brown. I decided I'm going to try and collect at least two of each model, one in tri-color rag and one in ECAM.