Alvin Poston

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Jan 10, 2003
My dear friend Alvin Poston passed away this month. A disciple of George Herron Alvin made only knives he wanted to make. Alvin was a pilot for the South Carolina Wildlife & Marine Resources Department ( now SCDNR) where my mother was the radio operator, among other things. I received this knife some time in the late '70's and Alvin made me promise to use it and not just put it on the shelf. It got used on a 80 lb. doe, a 75 lb. wild sow and a few catfish. My mother, who passed away in January arranged for this knife as a birthday gift for me so it will always be cherished. I'll miss Alvin and of course my mother but what a fine memento this blade will be.

Probably the wrong forum to post this , but I am sorry to hear about Alvin's passing. He was a good guy. I have not seen him in years. Mrs Herron and I were talking about Alvin last week during my visit with her.

I'm sure a Mod will move this to the proper forum.
My dear friend Alvin Poston passed away this month. ... I received this knife some time in the late '70's and Alvin made me promise to use it and not just put it on the shelf. It got used on a 80 lb. doe, a 75 lb. wild sow and a few catfish.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. For what it's worth, that's a seriously nice looking knife - and I think using the heck out of is is a great tribute to the maker.
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