Anyone own a tanto lite?

Mar 19, 2018
Does anyone own a tanto lite? Do you like it and how does it compare to the kobun? I’m trying to decide what to get i seemed to have lost my kobun :eek:
Oh that one?!
Looks promisingly good, if one never held a kubon...
Imho, if money isn't an issue, just give this a miss.
I held it, inspected the product really close
and felt that its more like an entry level model
which felt no different from any other low end kitchen knife;
but for its american tanto blade shape.
Of course this is just my opinion;
having not owned nor used the blade in actuality
I thus reserve any comments on the true capabilities of this knife.
Just my two cents.
I've carried a Tanto Lite (when not carrying a Bowie) ever since that model came out. It replaced the Spyderco Street Bowie I had carried for years for IWB carry when wearing lightweight shorts in the summer. In a proper sheath, easily concealed, and deploys quickly. Inexpensive, lightweight version of Master Tanto that has great self defense potential, but with a different sheath. The steel is not San Mai, but does sharpen easily. An inch more of blade length than the Kobun, plus enough handle length and hard pommel to be used for striking. The Kobun is a nice piece, but I prefer more length on either end. Drawpoint sheath can use either G-Clip or IWB loop, depending if with or without belt.

Lift.jpg Acquire.jpg Draw.jpg Tanto Lite.JPG
I have a Tanto Lite, its my bash around knife(paid under $20 a while back) and its cool but for that type I prefer my Oyabun's when not carrying a Magnum Tanto. A lotta knife for the money.
The Kobun is smaller, lighter, has a thicker blade, and has a better sheath. It is a terrific value. Tantos aren't the best for everyday/outdoor chores. I had to have a Outdoorsman Lite, though. $20-$25? It's a steal. Their new sheath is much better! The handle is more hand filling, and better for bigger hands. The cheap German stainless steel is nearly rustproof.
I had one, "borrowed" by an ex, thought it was a great value. Old style sheath. I still have the empty box actually.
I have one. Should have got the Outdoor Lite instead as I’m not a huge fan of tantos. The sheath isn’t the greatest, but I didn’t want to spend three times the price of the knife on a quality sheath so I cut of the belt loop and attached a Spyderco G-clip with strips of bicycle innertube. Worried pretty good.