Anyone using this maker's mark, logo, etc?

May 2, 2013
Anyone know if there is another maker out there using the greek letter lambda, upper case, for either a touchmark, maker's mark, etc? I don't want to step on any toes... Besides the obvious Spartan shield references...


Much simpler than what I'm using now...


But, I have grown partial to it, so may just stick there...
I have seen it on something, but am pretty sure it was not a knife. Å and λ are used as trademarks in other industries.

The problem is that once reduced to knife marking size, it will look like a capital "A". I can pretty much assure you that upon seeing it no one will know it is a lambda. Even if one of us nerds recognizes it as a Greek letter, how would anyone associate that symbol with your name. If you want an "L"...use an "L".

I can't think of any reason that you couldn't just mark them "LUCY". That is short and clean. "E.LUCY" is a second choice.
Ah, Stacy, there you go popping my nerd bubble again. Aside from the letter L and the Spartan shield of Lakedaimonian reference, I was going for the term lambda used in astrophysics... (For the non-never-have-a-real-date-in-high-school people on the forum, lambda is the probability that a smaller body will collide with a larger body with enough force to cause it to change course.) Get it? Like I am going to have an impact on planet earth? Hah. My wife thought it was cute... probably why we're married...

I will probably stick with my usual touchmark above. I already have a stamp and stencil with that, and I know it to be unique.

I was looking for something new with fewer lines that can be discretely placed on some of the other stuff I do. Same sort of problem, when small enough that mark gets muddied to a degree as well... I was marking with just the touchmark in some small spot, but now I mark my knives with this:


Well, the center portion at least. I kept it simple. Like I've suggested to others, a unique last name is an asset.
You could always stylize it a bit with some other thin lines around the edges - sort of shadow lines on the right side of the primary lines. Just a thought. your workmates know about this nerd side? I swear of all the people I've known in the same profession, you Sir are the nerdiest (it's a compliment :) )
Edit: also, it looks like there are some trademark/logo searching websites - I just found a couple via Google. I don't know how legit and/or comprehensive they are though.
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I have seen it on something, but am pretty sure it was not a knife. Å and λ are used as trademarks in other industries.

The problem is that once reduced to knife marking size, it will look like a capital "A". I can pretty much assure you that upon seeing it no one will know it is a lambda. Even if one of us nerds recognizes it as a Greek letter, how would anyone associate that symbol with your name. If you want an "L"...use an "L".

I can't think of any reason that you couldn't just mark them "LUCY". That is short and clean. "E.LUCY" is a second choice.

I agree with getting rid of this


I can't think of any reason that you couldn't just mark them "LUCY". That is short and clean. "E.LUCY" is a second choice

I agree with keeping is simple

I would forget clever references,
Make it so the average dumbass can read it without a magnifying glass and a dictionary.
Make it so you can type it into a search engine.
Hah! Yeah, they know... When you are all sharing a dinner break and 'The Big Bang Theory' happens to be on in the patrol room; and you are the only one getting the obscure physics or 'Star Trek' related jokes it kinda outs you on the spot...

And thank you for the compliment Chris. It was taken as such!

I looked at some of those trademark lookups... I am going to have to use some sort of service as things progress I think. Now that I am taking another person in with me I would like to make sure everything is free and clear...

In that vein, here is the newest letterhead/logo/whatever. Critique appreciated as always...

Make it so you can type it into a search engine.

I think this is one of the most importend reasons. If I see something that I dont know what it is or from who it is I search on the internet for it. And a clear (brand) name helps with that.
Thanks count. I agree, and have switched to the script 'Lucy' seen above there for probably 90% of stuff now that I have a better way of etching and can get much cleaner results. I can swich from using the touchmark at all to a small but still legible and clean font last name easy enough on the other 10% I would suppose...

I can see where almost any touchmark would be nearly impossible to search for. Google query: four horizontal lines with two vertical vertical lines perpendicula... etc.
maybe a bit dumb but honest:
I'd see it as a up side down V and would wonder why the logo is up side down.

I like the Lucy logo and how the L and Y are the same line
I have to say I'm really liking the new Overmountain Knife and Tool logo - it's much more modern and seems to suit the direction you're heading at the moment.
Hey, V for Vendetta! That works too! He liked to use knives... j/k

Yeah, I see now that it would be hard to recognize for almost anyone. I also like the script logo the most. My wife actually came up with that one, and it has a kind of Coca-Cola feel to it, so I think it will work well. I already have a hot stamp for my touchmark and will stick with it for the really small stuff, but the wife's idea will stick. Gotta keep the other half happy... :)
Thanks everyone for the input.

I have a new stencil method that I will share as soon as I see how many etchings I can get out of each stencil. It may prove to save a dollar or two, although it is a bit messy...
I really like the "Lucy" script. It looks stylish and professional. I would omit the words "custom made " and the location just so the logo would fit in many places on a knife. If you keep the other words I think "hand made" is better than custom made to the average person. Just my opinion. I would take a hard look at your logo because it will be on your knives forever and should be recognized at some point if you make a lot of nice knives. Pay particular attention to the size of your logo and how it looks on a knife. I would specify the number of points in size and the font to the stencil maker. Some logos have the first letter one point larger than the rest and it can look very cool done that way. Bob Loveless has a reclining nude on his logo which used to be a cool thing back in the day for his intended customers but you wouldn't do that today. I Vote for "Lucy' in the script that you selected. It looks professional to me. But don't listen to me because you are the one that has to be pleased with your own mark so make it yours go forth making works of art in wood and steel!
I should have been more specific about it. This IS actually what I'm using. The above was used as a header on something else. The below script seems to still show up pretty well when small.

I used Custom Made as at the time I was doing a lot of stuff to customer's specs... which I quit doing because it wasn't very satisfying. Talking to my mentor it seems like all makers go through that phase. They want to satisfy the customer so much that they compromise their artistic vision. It seems to be better to make what looks good and feels good to you as the maker, and if it sells it sells, if not, oh well...
Thanks Larry, you were right on key. This is what I think will look the best. I did always love looking at the 'other side' of the Loveless logo though. lol...

I saw the inverted V. I believe Bert Gatson of the ABS uses something similar.

You might check in that direction.

What are the mountains in the "Overmountain"? logo?

Just a gold and black check I recon. Nothing specific.
I have a header on my website that has actual mountains behind it. Why?

And yeah, I'm not going to use the Lambda. Too confusing and nobody would ever get the references.
You can use a logo... as long as there is something accompanying it that is searchable.

In the beginning, I was only using the two Kanji-like characters that make up my logo. Then, Ed Caffrey nailed me when he asked how to type it into Google. Now, I also stamp MARCHAND on my blades.
Luckily 'Lucy Custom Knives' or 'Lucy Knives' pops up 1, 2,&3 in google... So at least that's covered.

I WAS sticking just my touchmark on a lot of old tools I was fixing... But then I kinda figured that was rather uppity of me. To brand something someone else made. So, I started sticking it on knives. It is now looking utterly useless as I dont want both on a knife... No biggie. The scripted name works....

Now if I can only find some time to dig out of all these backed up projects and make more crap to sell... :) Being grinderless at the moment isn't helping matters...

(Totally a joke. I don't think my stuff is crap. I stand behind it 100%)