Apples and knives


Gold Member
Mar 24, 2005
I eat an apple or pear a day. Not to keep the doctor away, but to guarantee that I'll get to use my knife. Much better 3:00 break than a candy bar!


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I also eat one each day, sometimes with a little Nutella on it. Try it, if you haven't. Like a caramel apple, only better.
Peaches are my favorite, but they are harder to pinpoint when the right time to eat is. I do eat a few apples too. :o

Okay, this one isn't an apple or a peach:
I love using my BK14 or BK15 for apple/fruit cutting... but when you really get down to it... the thin clip blade on my stockman slices through any fruit like butter. I was born and raised on traditionals and I love seeing all the nice ones you guys use with their awesome patinas.

And next time you are tempted to eat a healthy apple because you can use your knife... try cutting up a snickers.... :D

And if the apple doesn't work, I can wave the Opinel in the doctor's face. :D

-- Mark
I've been known to slice an apple or two with a pocket knife.

Bulldog copperhead


Case 6292


Schrade Walden 832


Case 6232


First task for the Ben Hogan, back when it was new.


The little 12OT has seen some apple action also.


I've even used a Vic Huntsman.

No apples to shoot, just the end result to my formerly shiny blade. Nothing like fresh fruit to add character!
Funny thing is that the blue on the blade is actually understated. For reference, the handle is blue pearl acrylic but looks black. Don't know if I like the look, really, since it reminds me of a deep bruise I got once.
Funny thing is that the blue on the blade is actually understated. For reference, the handle is blue pearl acrylic but looks black. Don't know if I like the look, really, since it reminds me of a deep bruise I got once.

I was wondering about that. It seems no matter what I do I can't get a good patina to fully show up on a photo.

Maybe cut some more apples to darken it more. Teach that, patina a lesson. :)
hope this isn't derailing the thread, but this specialized banana knife from GEC (complete with banana scales) makes short work out of this fruit.