• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Archive post. H.I.'s pricing policy, by Uncle Bill.

May 18, 1999
Hi guys and gals.

I was roaming around in the archives last night while the forums were down and found this post among many others I had forgotten.

It has been a year since Uncle Bill underwent his open heart surgery...

It has been about a year since the YCS was designed and submitted for approval and production.

And the archives brought back some reality to the timeline that my 1st khukuri's came to me. I had forgotten the Hanuman Special was my 2nd H.I.Khukuri and my beloved 18" AK my 3rd one, I had it the other way around.

I could probably check the dates they all got to me by entering each ones name in the search function.

And now at around 31 or 32 H.I.Khukuri's with one more coming, at the present and hopefully to my specs, I have a great collection and wonderful memories. And the memories can be enhanced by going back to the archives once in a while for refreshment.
If you haven't delved into the archives you are missing some wonderful experiences and some great pix. And you can see that the H.I.Forum is a breathing living organism with some people coming and staying for a while and then moving on, to some of us who remain here each and every day among new friends and old.

This URL will give an insight to some of the great history in the archives.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
H.I.'s whole operation is first class. From "raw" spring steel to finished product and distribution. Custom blades at "production" prices!!

It's hard to visit the cantina and not want to buy something, so I've been a little "scarce" around these parts lately.

If I ever get my finances back in order, I've got a few "must haves" I've been thinking about.


Here's to Uncle Bill,
the world might not revolve around him, but he definately has helped make a lot of people a lot happier that he's around.

Yvsa's post brought back some memories for me to:

Back when my daughter was a newborn, (she was premature)we had to get up every 2 hours and cup feed her in measured amounts so she wouldn't lose weight. It was touch and go for awhile and my wife and I were having a health scare of our own that some folks may remember (which turned out to be a false Pos. on a test, thank God). ANyway, I was in Hawaii and with the time change late night there was early morning for most of you guys. I can't tell you how much it meant to me to have people like you to talk to to take my mind off things.
What does this have to do with khukuries? Well, khukuries aren't just knives to me, they remind me of a time that was the best and worst time of my life. They and this forum helped thru the worst, and I think of that whenever I pick one up.
Thanks very much.
Sorry for getting so serious on you all

Yes, People like Mr. Uncle Bill Martino are far and few between! If Uncle Bill opened a retail store it would probibly be bigger than Wal-Mart because of the kindness,care and service given to every customer!! You just don't meet people like that everyday!

Chris B.