• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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    Serial number request

Australians Buying via the Net

Nov 8, 1998
Just thought I should post a warning to fellow inmates of Oz......
I recently did a knife trade with a 'net friend in the US. One of the knives despatched to me was an Ek double-edged fighter .
I have just received a letter from Aus Customs telling me it is a "dagger" and a "prohibited import" and, unless I have permission of the Minister (politician in charge of the Department) the knife will be destroyed.
Checked the regs on the website....sure enough, double edged knives capable of stabbing are prohibited. So are icepick style and traditional stiletto blades.
I have been collecting knives for many years and have bought "daggers" over the counter so I assume the regulation is a new one.
Parcel was through the post. The law of averages says postal items have a 5-1 chance of not attracting Customs attention. Either I was unlucky or they have a pretty good X-ray system.
BTW, I have NEVER knowingly imported an illegal knife and will not.
I now have to negotiate the release of the other two knives.

Brian W E
ICQ #21525343

Thanks for the info, Brian. I'm from the Philippines and am thinking of buying over the internet.

I ordered a knife catalog from an online retail store as a test shipment last December. Its almost a month and I haven't received the $17 catalog, yet. Its either, the net store is slow in processing my order, the local post office "confiscated" it without my knowledge, or I got ripped off.

This is why I'm having second and third thoughts in buying thru the net. But I have no choice If I want a knife from the US as these are not available where I live.

I guess I'll take the chance.
You paid $17 for a catalog. That doesn't sound right. even with shipping. Most are free and the ones I have bought cost $5.00 at the most. I hope you weren't ripped of.

Glad to see you here again especially with the troubles you've been having all around.... haven't liked what I read elsewhere about your venue access being dumped and now you have a run in with the customs blokes. Yikes... doesn't make for a good week at all.

Hope things improve for you. Let us know how your dealings with customs works out. If it helps at all, tell them not to destroy the Ek as you'll be shipping it to Rapid City, South Dakota to a buyer. I'll cover your costs. Just let me know. Hope it'll help


PS Almost forgot. I've a friend (active duty Army Major) who is headed to Melbourne in a few weeks for a shooting competition with the Australian Army. I've forgotten... how close are you to Melbourne?

Keep yer powder dry and cutters hair poppin' sharp!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 25 January 1999).]
I'm sorry to hear that you have trouble inporting knives. Are the laws in Australia bad in general for carrying blades such as folders or small fixed blades? What about in the bush?

Again sorry to hear about your woes. I hope you can at least ship the blades to Bob so you don't lose any money.

Good luck



I've emailed Brian with more info - having been through this Australian Customs bulls*it myself, I know it can be overcome.

Knife laws in OZ tend to be fairly vague about legal carry - usually you need a "lawful reason" to carry a knife.
In practice, it's like everywhere - if the cop doesn't like you, you'd better not be carrying anything sharp.

The laws in NSW, where Brian and I live, have been tightened considerably in the last year. There is now a "zero tolerance of knives" policy as a result of a huge increase in knife attacks and, particularly, the stabbing of a couple of policemen. The law now makes it illegal to carry any knife in a public place or a school without a lawful excuse. Obviously self-defence is not regarded as a lawful excuse and the examples of acceptable excuses are rather restrictive. I just keep a low profile in places where I know the police will be on the lookout (drop my Wegner Jr down in the bottom of my pocket so the clip doesn't show) and rely on my age and respectibility
to keep me out of trouble with the law. We have a state election coming up and "law and order" is shaping as a big issue so I expect further restrictions and stiffer penalties. There is talk of outlawing the advertising of knives for mail-order. Thank goodness for the internet

Bob, I live in Sydney, closer to Melbourne than Brian, but not by much. Let me know if I can help your friend on his way through.

Take care,

Some people make things happen, some watch while things happen, and some wonder "What happened".

[This message has been edited by Clay Kesting (edited 25 January 1999).]
Clay, Brian...

Does this Customs stop put you guys on an official "scrutiny" list?

Brian said earlier that there is roughly a 20% chance of a package being inspected, hence would such an incident has his increase the chances of his packages being inspected in the future?

I have had no problems buying on the internet. Just be warned that some US based dealers will not ship overseas. I have had great service from the KnifeCenter of the Internet and Frank Norman from the Little River Trading Company. Just take Brian's warning and check your import laws first

Take care,

Some people make things happen, some watch while things happen, and some wonder "What happened".

Thanx all.
I am considering taking some action to retain the Ek as suggested by Trevor.
Seems the Customs people do not tell all of the story. Borders on deception, in fact.

Bob, I am about 2000 klms from Melbourne.

Brian W E
ICQ #21525343

I live in Cairns and have imported 3 knives purchased over the Internet. They were all standard single edge and it appears that none of the parcels have been opened, however I think the Customs do indeed x-ray a lot of parcels coming into the country.
I did check with customs regarding the importation of knives and antique firearms before I purchased and they mentioned the double edge, dagger type weapons were a prohibited import. Like you I cannot understand this stupidity as I can buy daggers over the counter. If there is some way that this can be gotten around can you please let me know as I have my eye on a few double edged knives.
The best of luck with your fight with the customs.
As far as knife laws over there are bad, so states in the US are just as bad,. Like my State Illinois, in Illinois any bouble edge 3" or over or any dangerous blade is not legal
Now what is dangerous? Like Trevor said if the cops don't like you, it's dangerous.
Illinois has some hardest knife and gun laws in the US. About the only place worst is CA.

I did order the $17 international catalog from KnifeCenter. I've emailed Mr. Korn twice already but haven't received any response yet. Maybe he's a very busy person, with the booming business over the net. still... i wish he'd respond.

I'll keep crossing my fingers, though...

That really surprises me, my e-mails are usually answered the next day. I know they are in the process of updating their server, so that may explain it. Howard Korn comes by here sometimes so he may see your post.

Hope it works out OK.

Take care,

Some people make things happen, some watch while things happen, and some wonder "What happened".

I'd email Mr. Korn again. I bet it was lost during their upgrade and holiday season. It can't hurt.
I'd email Mr. Korn again. I bet it was lost during their upgrade and holiday season. It can't hurt.
Just a little question for you Aussies, has crime gone down since guns were banned there? I had heard before that the murder rate in Canada had remained constant after their gun control laws came into effect, but the rate of stabbings went up. Has it been pretty much the same there?

Let's see, ban guns, then all knives (all food will cut into 1/2" cubes for you at the factory), then ban anything pointy (pencils, pens, sticks), require a permit to use any sporting goods and require that all bats, paddles and raquets be stored at the local sporting facility, all you need now are legal limits on how long you can grow your fingernails. You will be safe then.

It is early days yet and I doubt that any such measurement would be statistically valid.

I will be controversial and suggest that, in the next century or so, the restrictions on knives and guns will mean that a few individual lives will be saved.
Restricting the availability of weapons (especially semi-auto rifles) in Australia just might prevent some whacko from slaughtering quite as many patrons at some tourist facility.

BUT (before you get out the rope) I also suspect that other lives will be lost because the victim did not have ready access to the means of defence. Or the seatbelt was jammed and the passing Samaritan left his knife at home.Or the young child strangling in his own rope swing cannot be cut down in time.
I wish the general public would become as fearfull of the real danger of travelling on the roads as they do about the possibility of being shot or cut by a felon. Then we might get traffic laws with teeth and save thousands of lives over that same century or so.
Be aware, we would not have these restrictive gun and knife laws if the man and woman in the street did not approve. They genuinely fear "weapons". Why ? Hollywood. The average Australian gets his/her information about guns and knives from TV and videos. And Hollywood has a vested interest in shocking and horrifying. Governments play on these fears....or , often, share the fear.
You are not going to beat the anti-knife/gun crowd by calling them "sheeple"...that ain't gonna change their attitudes.

And...the solution is.....
Oops...someone at the door

Brian W E
ICQ #21525343

Illinois is FAR worse than CA. Our knife laws ain't half bad after recent reforms, better than that of most shall-issue CCW states. Chicago has a total ban on handgun purchase, something CA hasn't even *dreamed* of anywhere.

Brian: The Australian insanity *will* cost lives, short term and long. Preliminary numbers are trickling in, and they ain't good at all...I'll track down firm sources and numbers before going further. In the US, our 31 states that allow civilian loaded concealed handgun carry have seen crime DROP in most cases, never an increase. There are four more states considering it this year for that reason, two of them are considered "near certainties" for conversion, one is a public vote on the subject. The criminology done so far leaves only one question: the degree in which it HELPS...that it does help *reduce* violence is established fact.

Jim March
Brian and Clay,
I am at complete odds that a country that was founded as a place to dump "His Majesties" criminal element, could also become one of the most liberal, (i.e. RESTRICTIVE), places on earth. How did this happen to the same rugged people that tamed the Outback, became the best sailers, (not to mention the best surfers, who to hone their craft compete with Great Whites), and are some of the greatest explorers on earth? I am dumbfounded that such a freedom-seeking, hardy group could let themselves become dupes to the same crowd that is trying to kill our freedoms here in the U.S. Could it be that some U.S. politicians, (such as our beloved Bill Clinton and others of his genre in the past), were/are, supplying much needed funds for this transformation?

Sorry, Brian and Clay, I know I shouldn't get political on this forum. You Aussies served side by side with us Yanks in Viet Nam and other wars and we love you! Sorry for my ramblings and we welcome all you knife loving Aussie brothers and sisters!
