Becker BK16 (Saber Ground) w/ G10 Handles Kydex Sheath


Handsome According to my Mother
Nov 18, 2010
My latest creation. Got the new handles at Bladeshow, and really like how they feel (with some liners added of course) but discovered they will not fit sheaths molded to the stock handles, so I had to whip up something new. I really wanted to make myself something nice this time around so I took my time, made it a little wider than normal to accommodate anything I might be bolting onto it (which will probably be a lot of random junk), and added my version of adjustable retention to it. That screw is a plain ole Chicago screw with one of those finishing washers, and then in-between the layers of boltaron there is a rubber washer to provide some spring tension to it. The others are just my normal nylon washers. The texturing on the G10 handle scales helps create a very secure fit (almost too secure in places) but ultimately I was able to get retention right where I wanted it. Anywhoosles, here she be:



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Oh sure, put "Saber Ground" in the header, haha. Looks awesome man, nice work.
Yep looks great Derek, and very functional. I like your style brother.

Gus, I used the cutting sheets from the local grocers. Red ones, and doubled up on them, so two liners on each side.
Great job man! Hah, I gotta get off my butt. I got everything I need at Blade to get started, including one 50 pack of eyelets as you suggested should be enough for one sheath. Keep up the good work! What's your carry setup?
Sexy scales. Fantastic work as always, but needs more eyelets. :p
Looking good. Looking real good. I'm digging the thumb scallops. A lot. Too bad that knife only has about 24000 uses until it's no good.
Sweet sheath Derek, I gotta get working on a leather-thingy for my SABER 16 too.....
Thank you very much for that kind sir...
Hope to get over to see you guys again next year.....
Sweet work D! I love your sheaths, they always look so functional. Those scales look just like the G10s I bought. Mine had liners already attached (red as well) but your red really pops. Mine isn't nearly as bright.
Thanks everyone! I am pretty happy with the results. Need to get out and best the coating off that knife now.

NC: Gimme a holler once you get going if you have any questions or anything.
BeeKay: The double layer of liners is pretty thick. I saw the ones with the built in liners but they didn't have enough thickness to replace my existing handles. They were very nice looking though.
Guyon: There is only so much space for eyelets. I almost didn't have enough for the sheath.
Hey Derek.....

Very nice, as usual....... I am loving the sheath you made me...... Thanks again for that......

Thats awesome boss! Glad you are liking it!
Speaking of pretty cool, Julio...... The Sixteen sheath you are doing for KA-Bar is quite nice..... Gonna do a review soon..... Used it when I was doing demos at SMKW.... Lots of in and out.... Smooth, secure, and inconspicuous ........ Like it!!!!....
