Been gone...Way too long....

Ethan Becker

Sep 1, 1999
Hey Everybody...

I have not been posting and the reasons are, to me, a bit odd.... Some months ago I had a way too interesting auto accident which had some interesting side effects. the side airbag which certainly saved my life took out a bunch of teeth and cranked the old cervicals in interesting ways but, the most interesting consequence was, I think, caused by a sustained adrenaline dump. now by sustained, I mean about 5 or 6 minutes. There followed a sense of distance from things. When I “reconnected “ with people it was all good and there have been no other problems..... Thankful I am, VERY Thankful, indeed!

Anyhow, I am back for better or for worse and I beg your understanding for my neglect!


BTW I will be at BLADE West in Portland Nov 1,2,3 and I hope to see you there!
I have been in two car wrecks that I should not have survived. Both of them were powerful life changing experiences. After the first wreck I went to the body shop that towed the wrecked car to get some possessions out of it. That was a few hours after it happened. When I got there all the employees came outside and just watched me. I asked my father and the guy who was taking me to my car why they all were watching. At that moment standing there looking at them and the wrecked car I realized that I should not have survived, let alone be out of the hospital already. At that point the gravity of the situation hit me.

I saw the pics of your truck. That was a heck of an accident. It is normal to need some time to recover mentally and physically from something like that. We are all glad you are OK. Hug someone you care about today. :) Life is precious.