Benchmade's Blue Lube

Oct 23, 2010
Anybody else using this stuff? It is the cat's berries. I originally wanted to use CRK's grease but found this stuff locally and decided to try it. Boy am I glad I did. I can't vouch for it's long term performance as I haven't been using it long, but has been awesome so far.

I've been putting it on all my folders and it's made a very noticeable difference.

Good stuff. . . :thumbup:

Haven't tried it. What is the consistency of the liquid? Is it like oil or a bit more like pancake syrup?
Does it work any better than 3-in-1 oil? I put a drop or two of that on the pivot.
Haven't tried it. What is the consistency of the liquid? Is it like oil or a bit more like pancake syrup?


it is somewhat betweeen the two. Probably closer to oil but a little thicker. It's hard to explain. It reminds of children's cough syrup.

I have noticed that if you get it near the washers and work it seems to work its way in very well. It's not very messy so I don't know if it eventually dries. It is awesome stuff. My folders feel like they are on ice skates now.
I've been wanting to try some of this lube, and am glad to hear it works well. I've been using Miltec1 with good results, and then picked up a tube of Tri-Flow, on clearance at Wal-Mart, and have just started to use it. It seems to do well, if not a little better than the Miltec. But I still want to try the Blue Lube.
All I use now is Blue Lube. When I need to clear some gunk out, I use Blue Lube Cleaner, which leaves a dry lube behind.
I've been wanting to try some of this lube, and am glad to hear it works well. I've been using Miltec1 with good results, and then picked up a tube of Tri-Flow, on clearance at Wal-Mart, and have just started to use it. It seems to do well, if not a little better than the Miltec. But I still want to try the Blue Lube.

I quit using Militec after I got this stuff. It is surprising how much of a difference it makes. It's noticeably slicker.
Hm.. I've always used CR grease or Break Free Oil. I'll give it a try. Price range? I'm assuming $10?
When I said "locally" I meant that in relative terms. There isn't anything of any real consequence near me.

I bought it at Jay's Sporting Goods in Gaylord, MI. Which is a pretty good distance from where I live. That's the only place I've ever seen it. I'm sure you can order it pretty easily. I doubt wal mart carries it.

It was right around ten bucks if I recall correctly.
I used it on an Emerson knife with a black finish and it took off sections of the black coating! Don't know if it was the coating or the lube, but I treat it with caution now.
I've been wanting to try some of this lube, and am glad to hear it works well. I've been using Miltec1 with good results, and then picked up a tube of Tri-Flow, on clearance at Wal-Mart, and have just started to use it. It seems to do well, if not a little better than the Miltec. But I still want to try the Blue Lube.

From what I've heard it's actually Benchmade's own formulation of Miltec-1. They recommended Miltec before making this.

Oh, and whoever was asking how it dries... It leaves kind of a grease-like film. It's clear though, but dirt does kind of like to stick to it. Not very bad though, I had my Benchmade Kulgera in my pocket for 6 months before it to the point where I thought it needed cleaning, and even then it was just a scant distribution of pocket lint on the film.

I think it works exceptionally well if you use the BlueLub Cleanser before hand, because as someone else mentioned that leaves kind of a dry lubricant. If you put this on afterward though it make the action slicker than snot and it holds it there for quite a bit. I only reoil my Kulgera about every 3 months once it starts to feel a little sticky.


It doesn't have any efffect on the coating on my ESEE, but that's the only coated knife I've used it on.
I used Militec before I started using Blue Lube. I can definately tell the difference. The BL works much better. They are not the same. Whatever BM did, they did it well.