Tough one...
From the sounds of it, the BM830 Ascent seems to be a winner. I have had th Goddard, and the 840 Ascent, and I have had my problems with both. The Blade on the Goddard is nicer and comes with a better finish, and is more versitile, but the Handle on the Ascent is much stronger and more durable, and uses an adjustable pivot pin, and a more durable toggle pin. The Ascent was much more ergonomic . BUT, the 840 seems to have a habit of folding when whacked on the spine, but everyone who tested their 830's have not had problem. Benchmade has heard of the problem with the 840's (Due to The testing that Mike Turber did, and subsequent testing from the forum members), and is looking for a fix.
I am holding out for the new series of Ascents, they will have the familiar, comfortable, durable handle, but will have a more conventional drop point blade and a thumbstud instead of a Spydie Hole.
Other possiblilities are the CRKT Mirage (My Mom likes and carries hers daily), Various Spyderco's will fit the bill (the ever present Endura & Delica), The Voyager series from Cold Steel may have a few knives that fit the bill.
Other Factors you might want to consider are what size knives are you comfortable with, how hard on your knives are you going to be, and whether or not you need serrations. I am sure that there are piles of knives that fit the bill..
"Will Dremel for Food!!"
"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
MegaFolderians Unite!!
Dremel Junkies Unite!
Dyslexics Untie!