Big Folder

Aug 13, 2005
I enjoy large folding knives (I hope it's not a Freudian phallic thing!) between 4-5".I'm familiar with the Cuda Maxx and the large Cold Steel folders. I'm also familiar with the Benchmade Skirmish. Does anyone know of any other brands of big folders that are over 4" and less than $100. Thanks for any feedback!
Firewalker 42 said:
I enjoy large folding knives (I hope it's not a Freudian phallic thing!) between 4-5".

You know, when someone asked Freud about him smoking cigars, his reply was, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". Well, sometimes a knife is just a knife... but who cares?
The Kershaw 1416 XXL Starkey Ridge
I believe it's Outdoor Edge who makes the clone of Kit Carson's Model 4.
The Outdoor Edge Magna is a great production version of the Carson Model 4, but it only has a four inch blade.
If you like big folders get you a Strider/Buck 880. You'll love that monster of a knife. The description here at the Buckknives web site tells you a lot but it doesn't begin to prepare you for the heft and overall size of this thing. For example the blade is a sharpened prybar 4.5mm thick. The liner and lock are .065 thick titanium. Everything about the thing is giant in proportion including the pocket clip.

Keep in mind that the retail prices posted here at Buck can be beat by quite a bit if you shop around. Check out and some other sites that carry Buck you may find a sale for what you want to spend.

A Sog Pentagon Elite II might suit your needs. I carried it for a couple of months until I got a Camillus Cuda Maxx Bowie. The pentagon was okay but the Maxx is much better.

Linton produces some Mega-Folders like the Duke but has a bad reputation for inferior quality and stealing designs.
WEll for a really really big edc the TOPS CQT Magnum folder. I have a tanto bladed model and the thing is like a folding fixed blade. Get a kydex sheath and you will have as stout and sharp big knife that folds as one could want. keepem sharp
If you want a REALLY big folder, you're looking for the "Texas Miniature" from Canadian knifemaker, Bud Weston. (I think Eric -Normark- has a photo of it that he could post). However, it doesn't quite meet your price point. ;)
I too have a TOPS CQT Magnum, and THAT is a monster knife!! Mine is my truck.