Bionic - GAW-WINNER-229-cchu518-


Thanks for the chance. :thumbup:
Oh my god seeing this shiny red handled little bitch makes me wanna start touching myself..........................sorry just was loud thinking !

Why do birds fly south for the winter ?....................because it's too far to walk!

Count me in, and thank you very much for your generous giveaway !
I'm in. I am including the absolute best scene from one of the best movies ever. The black knight scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I laugh my ass off every time I see it (and I have seen it nearing 100 times now).

What do you call a fat guy who sees into the future?

Four-chin teller.

Thanks for the chance and sorry for the lame joke haha.
I used to be in a band, we were called ‘lost dog’. You probably saw our posters.

THANK YOU for this awesome GAW!

I'm in please.
I saw some kid texting a girl in his class asking "did you do the homework" her boyfriend took her phone and responded "stop texting my girl" the other kid replied I'm trying to graduate, this isn't any time for me to give a hell about your relationship.

But I'm in thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in.

I love Chuck Norris jokes:
Did you know Chuck Norris was in all 3 original Star Wars movies? Watch the credits and look for 'the Force'.

Chuck Norris once used a live rattle snake as a condom.
Why is the fridge door open?
Somebody left it open

Thanks for the change!
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