Bk14 scales

Feb 27, 2013
So, I got a bk14 a couple weeks ago and absolutely love the knife (other than the sheath that I'm replacing with kydex so it stops dulling the blade) I currently have it double wrapped with 550. The single wrap was a little too thin for my hands. Now I'm looking at a set of scales that will be easier to clean and won't move atall. I've seen some aluminum and g10 scales on here and I'm wondering if you guys like those or the factory scales better. I have big hands (Hense the double wrap) so size is a factor.
There are a myriad of type of material used for the scales.......and it comes down to personal preference. I have the factory scales on my 14 and they are excellent for me, but I'm sure a paracord wrap would be fine and functional for me too. Others prefer snazzy-whiz bang polymers, micarta or metal while others prefer wood. It's a toss up really, and one you are going to have to figure out through your own experience. The beauty of the Beckers is that they are designed to be ready to go work right out of the box, but intended to be modded, experimented with and changed all according to how YOU want it.

The aluminum scales are extremely RARE, and from what I have read on here, made by 1 guy (Sharp) who no loner makes them. (They are like the Holy Grail of 14 scales)

Of course, a naked 14 is a happy 14, because its born that way LOL
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That definitely answers that for me haha I was starting to lean towards the aluminum ones or failing that the g10 (also made by him) but looks like those are out of the question short of finding someone willing to part with them haha. I'll probably order some factory ones once my cord wrap gets a little more worn out.
Well now, you do have options in G10, but they require some modification. Since the BK14 shares a very similar handle profile (very, very, very similar) to the ESEE Izula (not the Izula 2) you could purchase a set of the G10 jobs over at the Knife Connection and do a bit of modding to get them to work on your BK14. From what I gather it is not that much of an effort to make that work.
Give the factory zytel scales a try. They do give the knife a whole different feel from cord wrap, and they clean easily.

For the price, try the factory scales to see how they fit. you could add liners if you find them too thin.
Damn, I need to get off my ass/make time to go to the hardware store for some SS. Every time (lately) I see SS on a 14 or 2 I kick myself for my procrastinating.
I'm partial to the canvas micarta scales made for the ESEE Izula. They fit great on the BK 14 with just a little filing on the spacer that sits inside the handles(the Izula and BK14 cutouts are slightly different). They're pretty cheap too. The Knife Connection sells them for like $14 I think.

Does anyone make micarta versions (like the ESEE scales) that go the full length of the blade but also leave the hole open at the back (or most of it)?
I've seen some about, but they might have been Sharp's G10. I'm not sure. Try a Google image search for BK14 scales. That's what I do.
Does anyone make micarta versions (like the ESEE scales) that go the full length of the blade but also leave the hole open at the back (or most of it)?

ive been wondering the same thing (and looking for some) that are full length micarta whether they cover the hole or not
Those scales from Sh@rp are pretty effing awesome!! If you can find those; good luck. But if someone were to sell theirs I wouldn't expect them to be cheap.

Here are my G10 from Sh@rp, and no they are not for sale. Those are mine mine mine.

For the price, try the factory scales to see how they fit. you could add liners if you find them too thin.

How would that work? Don't the factory scales have the insert cutout? (I haven't bought them yet.)
Wouldn't you have to make the liners sized to the skeletonized part of the handle? Not much to work with. I considered trying it with Kydex, but once I started I knew there was no way I could make it fly.

To the OP, you could always make your own:

The insert was a bit of trouble, but I think I did it the hard way the first time around.
If you find some Micarta or G10 scales you like, but which cover the hole, it isn't that hard to drill out. They both actually machine quite nicely - just wear a good respirator.
oh those are badass!! whats a set of those run?

No idea...Never sold any before. If I were orange though it'd be about $50 shipped ($30 for the scales and $20 for the shipping).

How would that work? Don't the factory scales have the insert cutout? (I haven't bought them yet.)
Wouldn't you have to make the liners sized to the skeletonized part of the handle? Not much to work with. I considered trying it with Kydex, but once I started I knew there was no way I could make it fly.

To the OP, you could always make your own:

The insert was a bit of trouble, but I think I did it the hard way the first time around.
If you find some Micarta or G10 scales you like, but which cover the hole, it isn't that hard to drill out. They both actually machine quite nicely - just wear a good respirator.

Yeah, the factory zytel has those stabilising insert things so liners would be pretty hard to make. A respirator is also definitely needed...I've been slack and haven't been wearing mine and trust me its not a path you wanna take.
Quick update. I removed the "third wheel" hardware to allow the lanyard hole, and smoothed out the butt end a bit. Also got a shot to show the work done on the inserts. Big pain! But worth it in the end.


