BLADE movie sword

I don't know where to get one, but I would love to have one! That was one bada$$ sword. I've had non knife knuts tell me that his sword was their favorite part of that movie. I'll be amazed if someone doesn't jump on that sometime soon.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
Do you think the reproduction will retain stuff like the titanium blade of the movie original? ;-)
Not a snowball's cance in he#*. Or a vampire's cance against Blade? Good god i'm dumb. Oh well. seriously, no one would buy it.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
I hope at least it retains the movie sword's device that reacts to being handled by the inexperienced. I'm trying to get that feature added to my Benchmades.
That would be pretty awesome professor. I like the way it cut up that one vampires hand when they caught him underground.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?