Boot Knives?


Dec 16, 2003
Anyone have any good ideas for a boot knife? Doesn't have to be anything spectacular just sharp and be over 4 inches. Under $100 would be nice...under $50 even better. I'm already considering the larger Camillus Boot Knife but I can't find anything else. Please help... :)
Have you looked at the Kershaw Military Boot Knife? I don't have one but it looks interesting -- it's an integral (all one piece of steel).

Fallkniven's version of the boot knife or dagger except it is in VG10.

Very good steel

Trivia note;

The monstrous hound Garm guards the entrance to Helheim, the Norse realm of the dead. It has four eyes and a chest drenched with blood, and lives in Gnipa-cave. Anyone who had given bread to the poor could appease him with Hel cake. On the day of Ragnarok, Garm will join the giants in their fight against the gods. The god of war Tyr will kill it in this cataclysmic battle but will die from the wounds inflicted by the hound.

Garm is often equated with the wolf Fenrir. It can also be compared with Cerberus, the Greek guardian of the underworld.