• The rules for The Exchange can be found here. Please read and follow them. Stop using Paypal Friends & Family and follow our best practices to prevent getting ripped off or having a bad deal.
  • The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Boris Where Are You?

Feedback: +0 / =0 / -0
Jun 13, 2001
I have purchased or traded with Boris on this forum for a short time. He is a righteous seller. I can't find him on the forum. If he's gone, I'd like him to consider coming back. He is a good dude Spark. I'm sure his concerns were overstated about the forums changes.
His leaving was his choice. He hasn't been banned or anything.
OK. Thanks Kevin. I guess after the dust settles in a few weeks, we'll have a chance to see who really supports the site. I know I will.