Buck 110 general value


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2009
At what point does a standard non custom 110 become worth more than a brand new one?
You can get a brand new one at Wallyworld for $26-29 depending on the store. Perusing Ebay I'm seeing used 110's that aren't all that old, some worn for well over new price, some even more than new at higher priced b&m stores. :confused:
Some people like the old ones better.

Some are replacing much loved and beat up older knives with the same model in excellent condition.

Some are rare knives, as EdBeau said.

We can't forget that some are buying while drunk or buying while stupid, either.


Many reasons........
Some people like the old ones better.

Some are replacing much loved and beat up older knives with the same model in excellent condition.

Some are rare knives, as EdBeau said.

We can't forget that some are buying while drunk or buying while stupid, either.


Many reasons........

LOL Awesome statement! :D
Not sure about your ?????
1. Prices are explained by the presence of a willing buyer and a willing seller. Basic economics. Check back to see if anyone paid the asking price or bid on a "newer" 110 priced over Wally World.
2. Many things on Ebay are, in my opinion, overpriced. Sellers claim an item is "rare" or "vintage" or "collectable", and someone unaware of the price of a new item will bid and buy.
3. I am one who prefers 110s and 112s made in the 1970s and 80s. I am willing to pay more for them than for a 2011 version at Walmart.
At what point does a standard non custom 110 become worth more than a brand new one?

One that someone needs to fill a spot in a collection. Say a mint condition 2005 Idaho for example. Maybe someone looking for a specific year stamp for a childs birth year. And like has already been said, the very un-informed that get caught up in the bidding process.
Sorry I guess I should've been more specific as to what I was asking.
Is there a point where the value goes up with the age of the knife (assuming its in fair condition)?
Ie. in the stickies there are 5 versions, ea. with numerous variations. Assuming from 86 to current is Vers. 6?
Is version 5 more valuable then 6, version 4 more than 5, 3 more than 4, etc.
Or is it just certain variations that are more sought after?
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I think perhaps, though havent researched at all to defend, that some high priced sellers are banking on overseas purchases to areas that alot of sellers wont ship to.
Sorry I guess I should've been more specific as to what I was asking.
Is there a point where the value goes up with the age of the knife (assuming its in fair condition)?
Ie. in the stickies there are 5 versions, ea. with numerous variations. Assuming from 86 to current is Vers. 6?
Is version 5 more valuable then 6, version 4 more than 5, 3 more than 4, etc.
Or is it just certain variations that are more sought after?

Logically, or not :cool:, if you had one each all in mint condition laid out side by side. Then the oldest depending on rarity, quantity made, wood, might be worth more because of age.

But, just hard to say whats worth more. The 2006 Blade guide put values on many 110's. But I have seen many of those numbers way off scale one way or the other.

Just a whole lot of who wants what, and whether its pay day. :D

But yeah,,,older = worth more,,,,, sometimes, kinda, sorta
It's amazing how much the pricing varies.
I was in a store yesterday had a Buck display and all there prices seemed extreme, but particularly the 110 it was an 09 and has probably been sitting there since then, marked $66.00. I guess if I paid that much and decided to sell it later in real good condition I'd probably want more for it then you can buy it at walmart ($26)
They also had a used 97 in real nice shape, didn't appear to be sharpened with only a couple small scratches on the blade for twenty.