Buck 110 in sheath


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2016
Is there a right and wrong way to put the 110 in it’s sheath? Obviously it’s up to the user. But is there a consensus on its best orientation?

The two dot I recently acquired has snap wear in four spots indicating it has “ridden” for a while in all four possible orientations.

When I got my first my Dad told me the right way was button up button forward. So I always did it that way out of habit. What do you all do? Or does it even matter to you?
I put the narrow end down in the sheath. I don’t usually worry about a front/back orientation except on this one knife that has fine laser engraving in the wood handle. That one I turn back to my belt side. OH

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That’s funny David. It was your post 15 in the sheath repair question that made me wonder and start this thread. It looked backwards to me. Now I realize it’s because you carry on the left side.
Yep, button up and forward and same orientation as my edc vantage pro, tip up carry and the blade to the seam of my pocket. As I draw my knife it’s in the position to open and use without re positioning.
I've always carried my 110 folding hunters on my left side,with the front bolsters going in the sheath first ,the rear bolster is bigger and easier for my big hands to grab when needed.No other reason than that lol.
carry mine right hand side of belt, due to being a southpaw shooter and carrier, at about 4 or 5 o clock, blade tip up, backspring spine towards my front and blade spine side towards my back, front bolster down in sheath. no one showed me this just feels right to me that way, but it isn't a one hand opener unless I use my thumb to hit the fingernail notch to ride open. so guess doesn't really matter how one carries it.
That’s funny David. It was your post 15 in the sheath repair question that made me wonder and start this thread. It looked backwards to me. Now I realize it’s because you carry on the left side.
Yes left side. But many days I carry like you on the right side. I normally carry my multi- tool on the right side when working. But when no multi- tool and sunday go to meeting. I carry right handed. DM
Yes left side. But many days I carry like you on the right side. I normally carry my multi- tool on the right side when working. But when no multi- tool and sunday go to meeting. I carry right handed. DM
Did not even consider cross draw carry, that would definitely change things for me.
Pivot down, blade spine to the back, on the right side. As I draw the knife, I pinch the blade between thumb and fingers. A little jerk of the wrist and the knife is open.

This is the way I carry my large folder - wearing it right now. any other way requires that you flip it one way or the other when you pull it out.

I moved it forward closer to my front pocket for the picture, but usually keep it further back closer to the back pocket

I agree completely.