Buck 197 Yellow Jacket?


Why so serious?
Dec 25, 2012
Anyone have one of these? How is it?


After seeing photos of it I'm sort of fixated on it.
I have one. just got it a week or so ago. I think it was the last that knifecenter.com had. Jeff H at Buck insinuated that they have only one left.

I love it! To the point that it might just be my go-to hunting knife (if I don't return it that is). Crazy, right? That's what the wife said anyway... lol It's going to be competing with my BG42 Vanguard for heavier cutting but I doubt it will replace my 118 for dressing deer and smaller.

The handle is exceptionally comfortable. It's narrow at the blade end and near twice the thickness at the end. For me, it fits like a glove!

The issue I have with it is that the grind on the left side shows the transition very well and even, but the grind on the right is much less appealing. The cutting edge is still S90V and because it's relatively center of the blade thickness I don't believe the cutting edge will ever be the 154CM.

That is the sole reason I'm debating whether to keep it or return it. Jeff H at Buck explained that it's a product of the manufacturing process. They don't know how consistent the thickness of the center is until they start grinding the profile. I understand that, but they never should have left the factory like that. Not at that price point anyway...

The rarity is what I'm struggling with. If KC had more, I would exchange it, but they told me it sounded like a manufacturer's defect and I should discuss it with Buck, though they were happy send me a postage paid return label in the event I did want to send it back.

In my opinion, design be damned they should have seen the problem and switched to non-laminated S90V blade stock. Shame on Buck for making this beauty one sided!

KC had one review stating the same issue. When I placed the order, in the comments I mentioned this review on their site and asked that the knife be checked before shipping it. Of course... they took my money and shipped the knife without checking. Shame on KC for that.

So... of you're going to display it in the glass topped box they shipped it in, it's going to be great. If you're going to use it, it will be great. If you want to be proud to show it off and you're prepared to explain why you forked out the dough on something that shouldn't have left the factory with its aesthetic malfunction, go for it.

That is my only complaint. Does anyone think I'm being unreasonable?

I do have another laminated blade of the same material from Buck and it's perfect. Considerably smaller though...

MT_Pokt has one. Here is a link to pictures of his.

It's a great looking knife.


Interesting. He says he had a huge issue with it and it might be going back, but not what the issue was.

I'm pretty fascinated by the looks of it, I'm probably going to buy one regardless at this point but it would be interesting to hear opinions of anyone who handled one or had one. I suppose I'd better PM MT_Pokt . . .

EDIT: He posted while I was writing this, so this post now makes no sense :)
The issue I have with it is that the grind on the left side shows the transition very well and even, but the grind on the right is much less appealing. The cutting edge is still S90V and because it's relatively center of the blade thickness I don't believe the cutting edge will ever be the 154CM.


That is my only complaint. Does anyone think I'm being unreasonable?

I see the issue, and while I don't think you're being unreasonable at all it wouldn't bother me personally. So now I think I have to find and buy one of these. Thanks!
I need to add though that I have seen examples of the Yellow Jacket with acceptable grinds on both sides, so you could get lucky. The problem though is that it's very unlikely that a dealer is going to open the sealed and numbered box to check it for you.

Yes, the transition lines on the Spitfire aren't really perfect, but they're acceptable!
I withheld the issue in my SPS post because I was hoping there was a solution, but alas there is none. Other than returning and buying from others until I find one suitable.

I really love it otherwise. Great size, great shape, great steel, great handle shape, etc... I just expected more symmetry in a knife with a high price tag...
I love the way it looks, and it's just the right size and in a great steel. I think I have to have one now that I've seen it. Your pictures are only making me want one more than I did already, it's gorgeous. ;)
You won't be disappointed! I think it's the nicest fixed blade to come from buck in many years.

(my issue aside)

And to clarify, if someone is unaware... Buck didn't make the blade stock.
It's a heck of a good looking knife and seems like it would be a great user. Not sure I could bring myself to ugly it up, though.
I couldn't take it any longer, I found and ordered one. I'll find out how I like it soon enough, I guess. :)
She's a beauty that's for sure! I'm interested to know how you end up liking it.
MT, I would be very bothered by the way that blade turned out. Can Buck fix that right side? They will have to grind it a bit, and re-polish it, but surely they can do that, wouldn't you think?
I was thinking the same thing Doc. Perhaps Jeff H will chime in on the topic.

I expect though that the waves in the transition are consistent on the right side throughout because the blade is straight as an arrow. More grinding isn't going to help a poorly stacked laminated steel.

Even then, wouldn't regrinding the blade affect the heat treat? It would ultimately mean them completely reworking the blade, re-etching and polishing the whole thing over. I don't see them going through that much trouble....