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Busse daggers

Jan 10, 2010
I dont know about Busse's whole history of knives, but I was wondering has Busse produced any daggers over the years? I would really like to have a dagger about the same size as the TGLB without the slightly bent handle off course. But $100/inch hurts my wallet for quite a while. There are more than a few choices of daggers out there, but I just cant seem to find one with at least 7" blade, thick blade, strong handles, and overall tough knife... Its always etiher 5 inch blade, made out of 440c, .... not really what I'm looking for. I want a full size dagger that can stab thru cars all day long type of knife..

Anyway anyone have any pics of Busse daggers, and do you have any other recommendations for daggers, that fit my specs...

Thanks, Denis.

p.s. I jus remembered that Gladius, I'd really like something like that slightly smaller w/ slightly narrower blade..
thats pretty, I like the blade design, dont really like the rest, looks too artsy farsty like a collectors knife, I want a user...
Daggers make great nose pickers... no really they do... :D

That said, there is something really stylish (if not so practical) about a well proportioned dagger, the Sykes style is truly a classic ... !!!!
A Busse Dagger?! I'm in.
I'd like to see a Busse Tanto also. Not even a chisel ground either.
Here is an older Busse Dagger


I think the mamoth dagger was made for Voldlemort... lol but he couldnt carry it because he lives in PA:p
you people make some nice photos ....I dont really like those cutouts on the knife, reminds me of Gill Hibben type knives..

I wish Busse would make a knife like Applegate Fairbarn but from one piece steel with exposed tang and 2-3 screws/ pins instead of just one, with maybe a 8" blade. There are a few companies out there that make daggers, but the tip on those knives look like toothpicks, plus I dont like the steel used/ and heat treatment not on par with Busse.
I think you will need to improvise if you want a Busse dagger that size!
The DSF comes to mind, while not a dagger it would certainly punch through cars all day long:D
