Care for birch handle on fallkniven sk3?

Mar 21, 2006
I am looking for some advice for caring for the birch handle on my little fallkniven sk3.

Any recommendations for how often and what to use for these natural wood knife handles?

What risk is there for discoloration/ darkening?

Thanks in advance for your help-
I just rub the wood with a drop of boiled linseedoil every now and then.
When completely saturated, it gets a satin and somewhat darker/richer color.

ROSarms has a nice tutorial on caring for stacked birchwood handles (ROSarms International on BF). I believe your Fällkniven is massive birchburl. It's arctic birch, a slow growing wood. While it's relatively soft, its high density makes for very durable knife handles. I imagine Fällkniven would stabilize it. If this is not the case, as said above, a drop of neutral oil once in a while (my choice is camelia / teaseed oil) will waterproof it. If the handle gets greasy / dirty, a soft rub with fine grit sandpaper will restore its original aspect. Complete with a rub of said oil. Yes, the colour will get richer, darker, a kind of shiny gold brown. Gorgeous.
I am looking for some advice for caring for the birch handle on my little fallkniven sk3.

Any recommendations for how often and what to use for these natural wood knife handles?

What risk is there for discoloration/ darkening?

Thanks in advance for your help-
If you are worried about discoloration I would suggest a drop of mineral oil.
I rubbed a bit of boiled linseed oil into the handle of my Helle Dokka, which has a curly birch handle. This darkened the handle a little and brought out the character and detail in the wood. Now I just occasionally rub a mix of beeswax and mineral oil on the scales (maybe once or twice a year).
I've had my juni for 5+ years and use it frequently edc. I just rub in a few.drops of ballistol. It's still pretty light colored. I'd say its.picked up more darkness from my hand than what I'm treating it with. It's a solid performer. Use it and enjoy it.
I use tung oil on all my wooden-handled implements: axes, Roselli and Helle knives, even canoe paddles. It seems to weather longer than boiled linseed oil.