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cheaper small sebenza 21 alternative?

Oct 24, 2009
best edc gentleman's folder/ i have been looking at the small sebenza 21 and im in love but cant afford a 350$ knife right now. anyone have any similarly designed knife ideas for me?
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Save your money and grab a used one, nothing else will scratch that itch untill you see for yourself ;)

I'v seen them go for $250 and with the meltdown... they my even be going cheaper :eek: If you really want the real deal, trying to find something "like it" will cost you more in the long run. :cool:
Well, I have been told that the Bradley Alias II is very similar, and considered by many to be a wonderful knife. It's about 1/2 the price of the small sebenza. Just ordered one myself.
Well, I have been told that the Bradley Alias II is very similar, and considered by many to be a wonderful knife. It's about 1/2 the price of the small sebenza. Just ordered one myself.

As an owner of both an Alias II and a Small Sebenza I will say there is really not much comparison.

Yes they are both Ti handled, S30V bladed, frame lock folders of roughly the same dimensions but that is where it ends. The Sebenza is a much better product. You could order an Alias II and be very happy, I was for a while. After I got my hands on a Sebenza, the Bradly has been in storage.
Save your money and grab a used one, nothing else will scratch that itch untill you see for yourself ;)

I'v seen them go for $250 and with the meltdown... they my even be going cheaper :eek: If you really want the real deal, trying to find something "like it" will cost you more in the long run. :cool:

Agree, and would also suggest you actually handle a Sebenza before deciding on a cost-effective alternative.
If you've never handled a Sebenza then you'd probably be happy with a Alias, Buck Mayo, or Spyderco Sage. If you've handled The real deal then start looking for a used one.
You could try an score a CRKT S-2 long out of production , ti framelock and ATS34.

The Alias vs. Sebenza question is so common, I've developed a standard response:

The Alias costs 50% of the Sebenza and is 66.66% of the quality.

To elaborate, the Sebenza scales and framelock are thicker (and presumably stronger). The blade around the pivot is thicker. The pivot is thicker. The pivot has a bushing for smoother opening and better adjustment. When you take a Sebenza apart, the tolerances between the parts is so tight, it is tricky to reassemble. Chris Reeve customer service is legendary.

The Alias is a little lighter, opens more easily (flickable), and you might find it a little prettier with its curves.

If you've never had a high quality knife, you'll be very pleased with the Alias. I have been pleased with mine and I carry both the Alias and the Sebenza from time to time.
Check out the new Spyderco Leafstorm framelock. I would also agree with the Alias II
Some pics for you :)

No need to start 2 threads about (almost) the same subject Smitty1505.

My suggestion: save a bit longer and go for the Sebenza anyway.

Kind regards,

best edc gentleman's folder/ i have been looking at the small sebenza 21 and im in love but cant afford a 350$ knife right now. anyone have any similarly designed knife ideas for me?

If you "in love" with Sebenza 21 and want the best, get the Sebenza. You will end up buying it sooner or later anyway. The best feature that stands out is the pivot bushing. No need to do any pivot adjustments to get a great lockup and smooth opening.

If you after the same look, go for Alias. Great quality folder. I love mine. Looks very similar to Sebenza.

If you will be doing a lot of cutting, Spyderco Sage 2 might be your folder. Comfortable handle, full flat grind blade with choil. Great worker. Same materials with typical Spyderco look.

No matter how much stuff you will read about one vs another, the only way to decide what is best for you, is to get both, play with them for a week or two, and then keep the one that you think is a better value for YOU.
Just get the sebenza. Took me a long time to get a large seb. I don't make much money but had my eyes on one since i joined this forum. I tried to talk myself out of it telling myself it was a ripoff and just like this or that knife. I eventually lost the mind battle and gave myself a treat. It is my favorite knife and is something I really treasure. I think it will be something I will pass on to my future kids :)
hey guys thanks for all the great ideas and sorry for doing two posts just joined and got a little excited lol.
I would suggest that you either look for a used one, or save more, and get a new Sebenza.