compression lock ?'s

Oct 26, 1999
I know we can't get the whole story yet, but I still have a few questions.

Is it ambidextrous? Does it require dual liners like the Gunting has? Is it intended to become standard on all high-end Spyderco's?

I ask because of this. One of the main advantages the Military and Starmate have over their competition is their light weight for their size. Putting dual liners on them would make them unnecessarily heavy. The new lock is supposed to be extremely strong and simple, but few people have ever had a real problem with Spyderco's liner locks in the first place.

I could see it on a redesigned Wenger which were never light in the first place, but right now, I wouldn't go for it for the Military. Other opinions?
Leroy - I don't think it is "easily" ambi, but can be done.

Liners will be related to strength needs. Liners can also be "nested".

Don't know what models will get it yet. Certainly those designed for MBC use.

We've got linerlocks down very well. Wwe've got lockbacks down very well as well, so we're not running out to convert everything.

Hope that helps, but We really don't have all of the answers yet.

How hard or easy is the release on a Compression Lock?

I've found that a lot of people, particularly eldery people, have difficulty releasing a lockback with a stiff spring. My main test subject, a "little old lady" in our office, treats her Ladybug as a fixed blade because she can't work the lock release with arthritic fingers. Most other lockbacks are a struggle for her, though she can work a lightweight Native fairly easily. One of the easier folders for her to operate is a Benchmade 3000 auto.

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