Photos Cool Manix mod

May 24, 2016
Just wanted to share this cool Manix mod I saw on IG. I love seeing modded knives, especially Spydercos, and I especially like how they trimmed some fat off the stout Manix handle but still kept it meaty.

Post with more pics:

That came out great!

The idea of a Manix2 LW Wharncliffe just kinda blew my mind.
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That looks REALLY nice. We've gotten a wharncliffe Delica, maybe @Sal Glesser could let us know if this might be something that could see production at some point? I definitely think the Manix 2 is popular (and good enough) to justify it!
Thats not a Manix anymore.

Its a I LIKE Whatever it is now.
Dept 13 also makes scales for shiro's. They really make some high end stuff.

That looks great. A manixQ
I don't like the blade so much. But those scales are tight. The blade looks good with it. I just don't find a use case for it as much as the standard blade.