I can't really make the "business case" for such a forum, because I don't really know what the overall approach of bladeforums is to these things. Do they like to wait until there is a critical mass, and then be reactive, do they want to be proactive and pic up on a trend the moment it becomes obviously established. And how does any of that connect to their overall interests?
For myself If I want to talk about knives, I come here to do it, and generally my interests fall into the maker category. There has been growing interest in the cutting competitions (CC) with periodic articles in the press and now the establishment of an organization that will take this beyond the interest that some makers had for knife testing. Most of the stuff I would be interested in could probably be handled in the shoptalk forum, but that can't be true for many of the people who might catch on to this. They will want to discuss all the stuff that normally attends to any sport. Competition, personalities, equipment, sponsorship, technique, training, travel arrangements etc..
There are very few things with the potential to give the knife business the profile that this does. It seems family friendly, and has put big mean looking knives on a stage that was built with the best intentions imagineable, quality control. Other than Iron Cheff, what has the potential to normalize knives that this does, if it is handled correctly. I think it has amazing potential. Realistically, however, a lot of these kinds of things like silouette shooting, catch fire, and then stagnate, how far this can go remains to be seen. But I would like to get pushing behind it. Can a forum do more business than the Razor forum? I don't know.