EDC advice needed


Oct 31, 2005
I just started getting interested in knives. I searched over and over and kept coming back to the benchmade 705. Unfortunately, it was discontinued from the factory. What knife is out there with a comparable price, equal steel, and a drop point blade?
I'd pick up one of the new Delica 4s. Those are pretty much the ultimate EDC.
The BM 707 Sequel is the replacement to the 705. Same blade shape as the 705, but a smaller handle. I think this was a common complaint about the 705 was that the handle was a bit big and unwieldy for the smaller blade. The 707 comes in 154CM.
My first EDC (though I've had a lot of earlier knives)was a BM 705 and it's been with me for two years. I've felt as if I didn't need another as it's exceptional.

When Benchmade discontinued the M2 steel, I picked up recently a 710HS, the bigger brother to the M2.

I am in love the the M2 steel and there are two knives that are being released that I would recommend:


Enjoy! :thumbup:
707. However, you should be able to find some 705s if you shop around. Then again, you could get both. :)
