
JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
My new policy is two emails, no reply, order is canceled. This doesn’t include the back and forth emails confirming details of the order.
Same thing with phone orders, I’ll waste time on the phone talking to potential customers, then ask them to confirm the details by email. I like to be able to have everything in writing to a ovoid any mistakes, then never get email confirmation.
The only additional info I think may help that policy is within what time frame the emails come (consecutive days or weeks?) and then how long from that 2nd email they have to reply, 24-48hrs and so on.

If you don't to be that specific, that's cool, use your judgment. I write a lot quality control and food safety policies for work so adding those specifics would be required in my line of work, even though I hate having to write ourselves into a corner often times. Open ended policies can be really nice when coomon sense can be applied. We deal with auditors who require a stupid level of specifics with far too many if/then statements.

When I was with Campbell Soup, a standard policy was a minmum if 5 pages... hated it. Made it hard to fillow without gaving the policies in front of you all the time.

Anyway, now I'm off topic. I think setting limit of tries us a good idea and I think dropping in a timeframe from at least the last email could be useful too. It also lets the customer know when to you're cutting the order.

Disqualifying from future orders might ve a future consideration if you have repeat failures of communication.
I’ve sent you three emails, I kind of thought you might be out working. Get back to me as soon as you get back.
Well hopefully I didnt get emailed I'm out on business. Be back in a week or so. Take care jk family