The thicker the blade, the less it will bite, but the more material will be disrupted. The thinner the blade, the deeper it will bite, but it won't be ripping out chunks like the thicker blade. The more weight there is behind the sweet spot, the more efficient it will chop as well. Everywhere I've seen says the Junglas is 56 Rockwell. I'd take TOPS' cordura jump sheath over ESEE's molded POS anyday. I bought the Junglas without the sheath for a hundred bones and dropped 15 on a Scrapyard cordura sheath for it. It's a great blade, as close to the most balanced do-it-all big blade that you're going to get. When you design a multitasker, you're sacrificing efficiency in particular capabilities, but the benefits are it can do everything. Just something to consider... a Golok may be an awesome chopper and slasher, but it has no working point and drawknifing is extremely awkward. A Khukri is a great chopper but weird when it comes to battoning and if it has a working point at all, it's completely off-axis. Just for example.... Since the Armageddon appears to have a very incredibly obtuse grind near the hilt, the portion of the blade you will want to use for detailed work is going to really suck. The blade profile widens at the sweet spot but also tapers out, so I'm not sure how much the sweet spot is actually enhanced there. It does have a great working point for such a large knife... Neither design is perfect, though I'm sure both are capable.