Esee Junglas VS TOPS Armageddon

Nov 1, 2011
Im looking for which one would be the better chopper. they are similar in length but the Junglas is 3/16 inch and the Armageddon is 1/4 inch. Plus the blade geometry on the Armageddon is way different. Also the Armageddon is 2 oz heavier. So what you guys think. Thanks All
I think they are the same quality. They are made of the same steel, though the heat process may be different. But the extra length of the TOPS would make a better chopper.
I have 2 TOPS knives and have no complaints.
There both heat treated by rowen but esee says the junglas has 57 rc hardness and the Armegeddon has 58
The thicker the blade, the less it will bite, but the more material will be disrupted. The thinner the blade, the deeper it will bite, but it won't be ripping out chunks like the thicker blade. The more weight there is behind the sweet spot, the more efficient it will chop as well. Everywhere I've seen says the Junglas is 56 Rockwell. I'd take TOPS' cordura jump sheath over ESEE's molded POS anyday. I bought the Junglas without the sheath for a hundred bones and dropped 15 on a Scrapyard cordura sheath for it. It's a great blade, as close to the most balanced do-it-all big blade that you're going to get. When you design a multitasker, you're sacrificing efficiency in particular capabilities, but the benefits are it can do everything. Just something to consider... a Golok may be an awesome chopper and slasher, but it has no working point and drawknifing is extremely awkward. A Khukri is a great chopper but weird when it comes to battoning and if it has a working point at all, it's completely off-axis. Just for example.... Since the Armageddon appears to have a very incredibly obtuse grind near the hilt, the portion of the blade you will want to use for detailed work is going to really suck. The blade profile widens at the sweet spot but also tapers out, so I'm not sure how much the sweet spot is actually enhanced there. It does have a great working point for such a large knife... Neither design is perfect, though I'm sure both are capable.
There both heat treated by rowen but esee says the junglas has 57 rc hardness and the Armegeddon has 58

I dont think Rowen still manufacturers the blades for Tops anymore..,

I would choose the Junglas, I dont like the looks of that subhilt type handle the Armageddon has.., looks like it would cause irritation between your fingers if you chopped on stuff for awhile

dont own one, just an observation from a pic I googled
I'd take TOPS' cordura jump sheath over ESEE's molded POS anyday.

If you ordered the Junglas without a sheath, how would you know it's a POS? From my experience with the sheaths that come with other ESEE knives, they are among the best sheaths you can get with production knives.
Based on extremely poor repeated experiences with their molded plastic and kydex sheaths, and molded retaining systems in general. I see these style sheaths as the very worst excuse for pants in the industry, so much so that I'd rather have the option of opting out all together and not paying for the junk. They loosen up so fast, they rattle and jiggle and offer poor positive retention and mounting capability, they're hard on the finish of the knives... a good lined cordura sheath answers all of those problems.
I apologize for saying something other than the esee or tops, but if you want a chopper get a gurkha kukri my man. That animal will chop everything in your path and some!
i love the esee sheath personally. great retention especialy with the retention lock.

I completely agree with you. The Junglas Sheath is a great sheath in my opinion. It hasn't gotten lose over time at all, and has held up to everything I would need it to.

As far as which is a better chopper, I'd think the Armageddon would be, but I have never used one for sure to know. But the Junglas is a great knife, nonetheless.
My vote is for the Armageddon. That is one of Trace Rinaldi's design, and his designs are always excellent performers. The belly and weight forward balance will make this thing an awesome chopper.

I have wanted one made in 3V by Rinaldi himself for a looonnnnngggg time. One day my friend, one day... :D
Based on extremely poor repeated experiences with their molded plastic and kydex sheaths, and molded retaining systems in general. I see these style sheaths as the very worst excuse for pants in the industry, so much so that I'd rather have the option of opting out all together and not paying for the junk. They loosen up so fast, they rattle and jiggle and offer poor positive retention and mounting capability, they're hard on the finish of the knives... a good lined cordura sheath answers all of those problems.

I'm not sure I've ever had any problems with my ESEE sheaths. They all retain the knife as they should, and don't really rattle at all, and they offer tons of great mounting and carrying options.
Yeah I havn't had any problems with the sheaths for any of my esee blades either, and I have used them pretty hard and often. To answer the Op's question, I don't have the tops, but I have used the junglas alot. Its a really good chopper, either one would work well.
Junlas is top notch in quality and balance. I LOVE the Junglas Kydex sheath. It has an additonal sliding retention device. I can't imagine the knife going anywhere. The MOLLE back also allows you to "jump-proof" the knife for absolute retention. I can't speak to the TOPS knife. For chopping, I would also agree to look at the khukuri. HI models or the CS Gurkha. You'll likely be quite happy with either. Good luck.
Please do not base your knife purchase based on the sheath. I literally have a RubberMaid tub FULL of great knives of all kinds & IMHO, almost all of the sheaths suck. They are functional for the most part, some i have even improved greatly with a few simple mods, but the ones i always reach to, are the ones that i had custom made & cost as much or more than the knife they hold. For me, even the ESEE sheaths just don't do it for me. Sorry. Any knife you like a lot is worthy of its own custom sheath.

Both of the blades you mentioned are a fine choice & both are worthy of a good custom sheath.
Well maybe you guys lucked out then, because my 3, HEST, and four or five other molded sheaths all completely suck (including the custom molded ones). The only ones that aren't incredibly loud and soft are my moras, and ESEE charges more for their plastic than Mora does for the entire knife.
Imo just from the look perspective the junglas looks like a sick blade and maybe I might pick it up instead of a bowie for home defense.