Farm Life

indeed, It's a Berlin race mix. three local races. You need more informations?


Thank you John :)
jb, do those grow mostly year round? DM
yes Sir as plants. on producing pineapples.... they just seem to produce when they want though. noticed when I plant them around year or two before they produce. might go faster if I fertilized and gave 'em better soil. some never seem to produce and then pineapple. all of these came from the store and top cut off and planted. I really dont know much about them other than they like it here and seem to grow well as a plant but slowly.
I think armadillos can sometimes transmit leprosy to humans. They are everywhere in South Texas and we would never touch them.
Just reading this thread, lots of good stuff. I grew up on the edge of the suburbs with a dairy farm across the street. I live in town now and don't have any stock, although I have friends who have chickens (for eggs). I put my effort into fruit - I have plum, peach, apricot, fig, valencia orange, tangelo, empire lemon, ponderosa lemon, and thompson seedless growing in my yard. Right now the tangelos are ripe and good eating.

We have some weird birds around here I guess. I see them land in my garden and mess around. Then I see holes dug and my beets pulled out of leaves picked apart. I've lost a lot of onions too. They don't touch anything else. yet.

Beets are a super food! Oh, so good.

I know what you mean about pests, I especially have problems keeping the birds away from my figs, and the tree rats wreak havoc on my grapes. All the neighborhood cats use my yard as the community litterbox, but they can't be bothered with the task of keeping the rodent population down. Any cat like that is worthless.

My favorite thing to do with beets is to boil a few beets and potatoes, cube them, add some shredded chicken, mix with mayonnaise and season with salt & pepper. It gets funny looks at work when I have it for lunch (nothing like a bright purple salad) but is sure tastes good.
lambert, it this the same as a Russian salad? Dice them with your 110. Sounds good. We have trouble with rats too. DM
Armadillos are good eat'n, they taste like pork.
Armadillos are known to also carry Chagas disease, an infection brought on from a bite or the feces of a kissing bug.
This transmits a parasite which roams in the body and if untreated can cause heart failure. It is very difficult to get rid of, even if you have a 110. DM Here is a link from CDC.