Price is TYD within the USA. Prefer USA sales, international buyers please message me for terms. I will only ship to PayPal address.
Please only post "I'll take it" or "PM sent" in the sales post. All questions or offers need to be made via PM. Please post your email address if you do not have PM privileges
NMSFNO. Started life as a Garth edition that the previous owner stripped. The blade wasn't etched and is sterile. I put a satin finish on it and sharpened to 20dps on a WE. Handle tubes replaced with screws. BB Kydex. SOLD
FHFG INFI Ratmandu. Brand new, never used. Hand applied satin finish with black canvas. SOLD
TGLB stripped with brown canvas handles. Has been used and sharpened. Awesome condition still, with discontinued Spec-ops sheath. SOLD
Terror Monkey Hellrazor. Stripped and unused. Spec-ops sheath. SOLD
SOB. Comp finish with sandstorm G10.Used and sharpened. Only used for food prep, excellent condition, BB kydex SOLD
Please only post "I'll take it" or "PM sent" in the sales post. All questions or offers need to be made via PM. Please post your email address if you do not have PM privileges
NMSFNO. Started life as a Garth edition that the previous owner stripped. The blade wasn't etched and is sterile. I put a satin finish on it and sharpened to 20dps on a WE. Handle tubes replaced with screws. BB Kydex. SOLD
FHFG INFI Ratmandu. Brand new, never used. Hand applied satin finish with black canvas. SOLD
TGLB stripped with brown canvas handles. Has been used and sharpened. Awesome condition still, with discontinued Spec-ops sheath. SOLD
Terror Monkey Hellrazor. Stripped and unused. Spec-ops sheath. SOLD
SOB. Comp finish with sandstorm G10.Used and sharpened. Only used for food prep, excellent condition, BB kydex SOLD
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