First Knife You Remember as a KID

My dad always carried a SAK. He gave me my first one when I was little - picked it himself on a trip to Switzerland. I carried that thing until I finished college. The blade is thin from years and years of sharpening.
I recieved my fist knife at the age of ten, and have been an avid collector since then. It was an Uncle Henry medium stockman.
I think I have figured out that SAK means Swiss Army Knife.
It could have been just about anything. I grew up around knives. I really don't remember.
I remember a couple of knives when I was a little kid but already fascinated with knives (my mother told me I was grabbing knives since I was three years old haha). But mostly I remember one knife. A small dagger (5 inch blade) made by some german knifemaker with distinctive shape-thin brown cord wrapped oval handle and a brass made.My father gave it to me when I was five years old. I was very fond of this knife. etc I proudly carried it on myself arround the house and yard, much to my grandfathers annoyance.As you can assume my joy hadn't lasted long because of that.Some day the knife suddenly disappeared without a trace and I hadn't seen it for nearly two decades. I was probaly told it had vanished into thin air some stupid imbecility like that. What a cunts.
The first knife I remember owning was a very inexpensive switch blade that my parents bought me when I was eight years old. I very promptly broke it throwing it at a tree.
My first was an old old knife made in germany, not even sure what it was. I got it when i was just 2. from there on i was hooked!
This is a great thread. The first knife I remember seeing was a 'hunting' knife that my Dad kept in the glove compartment of his car. It seemed like a huge knife to me as a kid, and it was strictly OFF LIMITS. He gave it to me a few years ago, and it is a smaller sheath knife made by Western. He said it was his Boy Scout knife when he was a kid. It is the top knife in the following picture:

The knife in the bottom of the pic was my Grandfather's 'hunting' knife. It is also a Western. My Grandfather had a black old Timer large stockman when I was a kid, which was another knife I remembered early on. That knife was HUGE!

One of my first knife using memories was of my Grandfather teaching my the game Mumble-dee-peg, where you squat or kneel on the ground, and you have to stick a knife in the ground by flippingit off your hand various ways. When you missed a stick from one position, the next guy got a turn. That was how he introduced me to pocket knives. It was a good way to get a kid comfortable with handling a pocket knife.

My first knife was a black-handled basic camping-type pocket knife. I found it in the woods behind our house after I stepped on it (it was closed, but my foot rolled on it). It had a main blade, a can opener opposite a bottle opener/screwdriver, and a fork. I think I was 9 when I found it, and that opened the gates of knifedom for me. My parents would never let me play with or purchase knives when I was a kid, but once I acquired that knife, things changed, and they let me buy goofy souvenir pocket knives and such.

Still gets used now and then , I bought it in the seventies sometime when kids were still allowed to buy knives .
I still have my first knife. It was a Boy Scout knife given to me around 1960 by my father. When it was nearly new I brought it on a camping trip in Squaw Valley, CA. We took a chair lift up KT-22 and then hiked to Five Lakes. Towards dark I dropped it in the water. I could see it shimmering in the clear alpine water, but it was too cold & dark to go swimming. I fished it out the next day but it wasn't quite the same. The sheen had come off the handle & blade and it looked dull. I was happy to have it back though. Maybe the near loss is why I still have it.

I remember falling in love with knives with a pair of European bowies owned by my father and my grandfather. I still have one.

None of them had any special marks indicating the company that made tehm, but by now I know they must have been from Sheffield or Solingen. The only mark they had is the legend "Original Bowie" on a side.

The one I still own has a 7 blade full tang. It has a stacked leather handle and a steel pommel. Very easy to sharpen and at the same time holds its edge through anything.

The one my grandfather owned was quite impresive, the same brand, but with a 9 blade. It had a broader edge and stag handles. Unfortunately it was stolen during a break in. I am still looking for info on this kind of vintage bowies to replace it.
Remember it vividly---I was 6 back in '68 and my dad brought it back for me when he was stationed in Thailand---it was like a mini Buck 110 and poorly made--like the Pakistan knives of today---I promptly lost it in a couple weeks and I've never seen it again.

I got my first "real" knife--when I was 8 or 9 and used birthday money from grandma to buy an official Cub Scout knife---lost that one too:mad: ---but kept it longer.

Then for Christmas when I was 11 or 12---my dad bought me a Buck 110---still have that one---and then used allowance saved up and more b-day money from grandma to buy 2 green/yellow box Puma's---still have those too.

And that's pretty much is how my knife addiction came to be.
My older cousin gave me a mini Hen and Rooster lockback stiletto, it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen at the tender age of 8. A few weeks later my brothers and I were at my sisters' softball game and we found a nice Wegner boyscout SAK with a lockng blade. Shortly thereafter, my dad gave me a nice stainless little moneyclip knife with a file blade on the reverse side. These formative experiences started my current knife collection!
old blue sides Cub scout knige. big blade pinchable type. had a ring on the end. I dont know where it went.
My first knife was a 3 bladed stockman pattern. I don't remember the brand but I sure cherished that knife. I misplaced it about 55 years ago but I still have hopes it will turn up.

My second knife was a Shrade Walden Bowie pattern fixed blade. I think the model name was Kodiak Hunter. This was my Boy Scout knife and I still have it.
I got out of bed the morning of my 12th birthday walked in to my dads study and he pulled a SAK Camper out of his desk and said something like don’t make me regret this. My mom is anti-gun/knife so I knew he had gone to battle for me. I still have that knife too.

Later in high school I bought a Buck 112.

My first real knife was a Swiss Army knife, think it was a Victorinox/Wenger. (I had a small nail-knife thing when I was four, though). The night my Dad bought the SAK for me (I was about 7) we went to McDonalds and I played in the PlayPlace, in those colored plastic balls. When I got out I couldn't find it anywhere. The McDonalds staff were quite kind, they told me they would offer a free ice cream sundae to anyone who found it and they would return it to me. We searched for it at the Berlinsville park where we had been before, but couldn't find it there, either.
Sucks, it was a great knife.
Don't remember exactly, but I think it was the replica of Lile's design from the movie Rambo. when I was about 14 years old. The design of that knive shocked me when I first saw the movie.
i remember getting a Scout knife as a cub scout. small Camillus with a bail thing on the end and some cheesy plastic handles

awesome thread

Hard for me to remember but I think I had found a cheap folder. The first one I purchased was a SAK classic when I was 12.