Photos First Look: Victorinox Huntsman Wood

Dec 26, 2006
So, the year has started off well, expecially if our good folks from Victorinox release some new fine goodies.
Reason enough for old uncle Thehunt to grad the camera and sit down, to write a new review.

So, what´s it this time?

A Huntsman!

„Say uncle Thehunt, the Huntsman has been around a long time, hasn´t it?“

Yes, but.
But this time the Huntsman is dressed in fine walnut wood scales:




Officier Suisse, what else?

Victorinox has some knives with walnut wood scales in their portfolio, lets have a look:

Yeah, the Winemaster has olivetree wood scales, I deemed it more fitting, wine and all...


So, why walnut wood?
Well, first it looks marvelous. Its pretty hard, so it won´t scratch as easily and it ages well. Victorinox exclusively uses european wood, good for our environment, as transit routes are rather short.
The Japanese call it „Wabi Sabi“, when a tool or object has signs of wear and tear.
It gives it character, pretty rare in our current society...

The Spartan, the Climber, all the Swisstools, the Explorer, the Camper, everybody and their uncle knows them.
The Huntsman flies a little under the radar, so to speak. Undeserved, as I might add.
It carries well in the pocket And you don´t need suspenders.
And it has a great tool selection for bushcrafting.

So, what do you get with a Huntsman?

Well, lets have a look!


Beside the „classic“ tools, large blade, small blade, can opener, bottle opener (equipped with their respective large and small drivers), the awl and the corkscrew, the Huntsman comes with a saw and scissors.

Hupsi, do I realy have 8 Huntsman in my collection…?
Looks like it :-)

Now for a tool, which is often dismissed as an oddity: The multi purpose hook.
Or the bag-carrier, the bucket-lifter, the wire-twister, the zipper-puller, the…
Well, you get the idea, I like having the hook!

The hook is a rather new addition, as can be seen in this pic from an older model, which lacks the hook:

The multipurpose hook was added in the 1990´s.

My older version is indeed old as a tree, look at the corkscrew, it has grooves. Those were omitted in the 90´s as well, when exactly?

Even the liners have evolved, from full size to contured:


Shown here between scissors and saw.
It doesn´t hinder funcionality, in the contrary!
Ever tried to clean a Sak from pocket lint?
You know what I´m talking about :-)

Anything else?
Hell yeah the scissors!

They too have changed over time:

On the right you can see the screw which was used in early models till 1991. On the left the newer rivet and in the center the current nickel silver rivet.

The scissor spring got an overhaul as well, it was equipped with a guide and notch to help stay on the grip.
The older versions tend to slip and pinch your fingers. Anybody remember?


...Another sign of getting old… :-)

So, all the better to have a modern version, which also looks so fine:

„Uncle Thehunt, what is this in bottom in the picture? Is this a Spartan? With wood scales?

Yep, it is!
But that, that is a story for next week…. :-)

Have a great sunday and thanks for stopping by!

As always, if you have any questions, shoot!
Very, very nice SAK's uncle Thehunt!!!!

I' ve toys with the idea of picking up a wood handle SAK, but I wonder how they are fixed tot he knife body? The celidor are a press fit and the plastic material has some 'stretch' to it. But the wood is a material that once indented does not come back. So, are they glued?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks for the post. The walnut Huntsman has been on my wish list since I first saw it. This only makes me want it more.
No toothpick or tweezer on any wood handled models, I'll stick with the plastic grips.
Good review T TheHunt :thumbsup:. I didn't know the Huntsman was available in walnut, thanks for the info. I hold the Huntsman in high regard as an outdoor companion. It has such a useful tool selection and I agree with you, the walnut does dress it up a bit. Vic's nylon grips work well for me but the walnut covers look so good I recently picked up this Spartan woody. I'm still checking it out to determine if the wood is grippy enough for my hands. If I decide that they are I'm sure I'll be looking for a walnut Huntsman as well.
@oldtimer -Looks like some walnut covers don't have toothpicks and tweezers but this Spartan does. :)
